helderco / docker-nginx

Official nginx image with a slightly tweaked nginx.conf

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a very flexible nginx image, with support for several types of applications. It's heavy, because it's based on helder/nginx-extras, but it's full featured, and thanks to docker, you only need it once.

Based on perusio's work.

Virtual host templates

Thanks to the provided entrypoint.sh and Jinja, we're able to have a virtual host configurable at runtime using environment variables. This is a great way to reuse the same image for many different purposes.

To get a list of the available types of apps included:

docker run -t --rm helder/nginx ls -1 /etc/nginx/templates/vhost

Basic usage

Run a static website (default):

docker run -d -v "$PWD:/usr/src/app" -p 80:80 helder/nginx web_static

If you don't provide /usr/src/app, Nginx's welcome message is show:

docker run -d -p 80:80 helder/nginx nginx_welcome

If you want your files in a different path:

docker run -d -v "$PWD:/web" -e CONF_ROOT=/web -p 80:80 helder/nginx web_static

Run a drupal website:

docker run -d -v "$PWD:/usr/src/app" helder/php php
docker run -d --volumes-from php --link php -e CONF_APP=drupal -e CONF_UPSTREAM=php:9000 -p 80:80 helder/nginx web_drupal

How to chose an app

Anything listed in the templates/vhost folder of nginx is an app (you can add your own). To define which you want, set the environment variable CONF_APP.

Bypass template system

When an app is chosen, the rendered template will be written to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default.conf. If the file exists, nothing is done so if you don't want to use the template system, you can bypass it completely by adding your own file.

FROM helder/nginx
COPY mysite.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default.conf

How to work with the templates

Thanks to Jinja, templates are extensible. Here's an overview of the hierarchy:

└── default
    ├── django
    ├── flask
    └── php
        ├── bolt
        ├── drupal
        │   └── drupal6
        ├── joomla
        ├── symfony1
        └── wordpress

All of these are valid values for CONF_APP.

Configurable with environment variables

Any environment variable starting with CONF_ will be provided to the template, without the prefix and lowercase.

E.g., CONF_MY_SETTING would be my_setting in the template.

Default variables

Variables found in a template, are also available for every template that extends it.


    Default: default

    Type of app. See list of files in /etc/nginx/templats/vhost/ for possible values.

    Example: CONF_APP=drupal


    Default: $CONF_APP

    Not really used anywhere but can be used in your own templates and will affect de value of CONF_SOCKET.


    Default: $CONF_PROJECT

    If you want a unix socket in the upstream, you can override it's name. Leave the .sock extension out because it will be added by default by CONF_UPSTREAM.

    Example: CONF_SOCKET=php-fpm


    Default: unix:/var/run/${CONF_SOCKET}.sock

    The upstream socket is shared from a volume (e.g. php) by default. If that's not the case, override this setting.

    Example: CONF_UPSTREAM=php:9000


    Default: /usr/src/app

    Location for the root directive in Nginx. No trailing slash because the actual value of the root directive will be ${CONF_ROOT}/${CONF_PUBLIC}.

    Example: CONF_ROOT=/var/www


    Default: empty or...

    • public if CONF_APP=django
    • web if CONF_APP=symfony1

    Value to append to CONF_ROOT for the nginx's root directive. No leading slash, see CONF_ROOT description. Useful in a project with a subfolder as public facing (e.g. symfony).

    Example: CONF_PUBLIC=web


    Default: _

    If this is the only vhost in this container running nginx, there's no sense in setting your name_server. But if you need it somehow...


    Default: empty

    The default is to send access logs to stdout, but you can use this variable to send your app's logs to another file or shut them off entirely.

    Example: CONF_ACCESS_LOG=off

Add your own template

Build a new image with your own jinja template.

FROM helder/nginx
COPY myapp.jinja /etc/nginx/templates/vhost/myapp

Full example with docker compose

Drupal 8 project with public facing folder in web:

version: '2'

    image: helder/nginx
      - 80
      - php
      - CONF_APP=drupal
      - CONF_PUBLIC=web
      - CONF_UPSTREAM=php:9000

    image: helder/php:5.6
      - db
      - mail
      - ./:/usr/src/app
    working_dir: /usr/src/app

    image: mysql:5.5
      - 3306

    image: helder/mailcatcher
      - 80


Official nginx image with a slightly tweaked nginx.conf

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 69.4%Language:Dockerfile 30.6%