helderco / boilerplate

Basic boilerplate I use with Compass, including some configuration I always do between projects.

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Boilerplate with Compass (DEPRECATED)

This project is the basic boilerplate I use with Compass, including some configuration I always do between projects.


Ruby is essential for Compass but other tools use Node.js (e.g. Bower).


Install Ruby with the RVM (Ruby Version Manager) from https://rvm.io:

\curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable



sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties python g++ make nodejs

Mac OS X (using homebrew):

brew install node


With Node.js installed and npm (comes with node):

npm install -g bower

TL;DR: How do I set this up?

If you have all requirements, for each project using this boilerplate you start with something like:

cd <project>    # this will setup the ruby version and gemset with rvm
bundle install  # install all ruby dependencies (reads Gemfile)
bower install   # install all front-end dependencies (reads bower.json)
compass watch   # start watching sass files for modifications and compile css

But what are all these files?


When you cd into your project's directory, RVM will try to use the version of Ruby defined in .ruby-version. If you don't have that version, RVM will install it for you.

.ruby-gemset should be unique for your project. It behaves much like Python's virtualenv, so any ruby gem (ruby packages) installed for your project will be isolated in it's own dir, which is prepended to $PATH. Just like .ruby-version, this activation is done automatically when you cd into your project.

Gemfile works like PIP requirement files. It defines the ruby gems that need to be installed for your project. It's used by Bundler, which comes with RVM.


Bower is a package manager for front-end libraries. Again, it's like PIP but for jQuery, et all.

We use .bowerrc to specify where we want the packages to be installed.

bower.json is like Gemfile and specifies the package requirements so we can install them with bower install.

This is where we define dependencies like jQuery, Modernizr and Foundation.


Compass only has config.rb which is how we setup the project for compass. Compass is in ruby so it's installed with Bundler along with other dependencies.


The templates/base.html is based on the HTML5 Boilerplate, the web's most popular front-end template.


Basic boilerplate I use with Compass, including some configuration I always do between projects.

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 43.3%Language:HTML 28.3%Language:SCSS 26.0%Language:JavaScript 2.4%