HektorW / expenses

Home Page:https://westrup-wallin-pengar.vercel.app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Expenses app


  • Add expense
    • Amount
      • Calculation
    • Title
    • By person
    • Date
    • Items?
    • Image?
    • Place?
    • For persons?
  • List expenses
  • See standing
  • See person details
    • Expenses
    • Payments
    • Standing
  • See expense details
  • Add payment


  • Offline capable
    • Synch when able to
  • Free hosting

UI Requirements

  • Easy and quick to add expense
    • Sensible default values
  • Highlight unsynched items


type AppState = {
	expenses: Expense[]
	payments: Payment[]
	persons: Person[]
	lastExpensePersonId?: PersonId | null
	lastPaymentPersonId?: PersonId | null

type PersonId = string
type ExpenseClientId = string
type ExpenseServerId = string
type PaymentClientId = string
type PaymentServerId = string
type DateString = string
type ImageBase64 = string
type ColorString = string

type Person = {
	id: PersonId
	name: string
	color: ColorString

type Expense = {
	clientId: ExpenseClientId
	serverId: ExpenseServerId | null
	calculation?: string
	expenseItems: ExpenseItem[]
	currency: string
	title: string
	date: DateString
	image: ImageBase64 | null
	byPerson: PersonId
	forPersons: PersonId[]

type ExpenseItem = {
	id: string
	title: string
	amount: number
	forPersons: PersonId

type Payment = {
	clientId: PaymentClientId
	serverId: PaymentServerId | null
	amount: number
	currency: string
	date: DateString
	byPerson: PersonId
	toPerson: PersonId
function createNewExpense(byPerson: PersonId): Expense {
	return {
		clientId: generateClientId(),
		serverId: null,
		expenseItems: [],
		title: '',
		currency: 'SEK',
		date: getDateString(new Date()),
		image: null,
		forPersons: []
function getExpenseTotal(expense: Expense) {
	return expense.expenseItems.reduce((total, item) => total + item.amount, 0)

function getDateString(date: Date) {
	return date.toUTCString()

function generateClientId() {
	const randomStr = `${Math.random()}`.substring(2)
	return `${Date.now()}-${randomStr}`

Synch state


  • Assign client id
  • Add locally
  • Post to server -> On success -> Combine with local -> On fail -> Mark as failed synch -> Store error message




  • If not synched
    • Delete locally
  • If synched
    • Mark in local deleted list
    • Post to server -> On success -> Delete locally -> On fail -> Mark in delete list as failed synch -> Store error message


  • Fetch latest server state
  • Merge with local state
  • Post all none synched

Merge with local state

const latestServerState = await fetch('/state')
const clientState = getFromSomewhere()

const mergedState = latestServerState.map((serverEntity) => {
	if (hasClientEntity(serverEntity)) {
		return mergeEntity(serverEntity, getClientEntity(serverEntity))

	return createClientEntity(serverEntity)

clientState.forEach((clientEntity) => {
	if (!mergedState.includes(clientEntity)) {


$appState = derived($)

Post all none synched




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