hediet / vscode-drawio

This unofficial extension integrates Draw.io (also known as diagrams.net) into VS Code.

Home Page:https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=hediet.vscode-drawio

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Import Library from app.diagrams.net

om0wt opened this issue · comments

I have created a new library in app.diagrams.net and exported it as .xml. All library items are in this xml. Is it possible to import such a library among existing shapes?


I made a test:

  1. I created a new directory netapp in .vscode/extensions/hediet.vscode-drawio-1.6.6/drawio/src/main/webapp/templates and copied exported library (from app.diagrams.net) netapp.xml into it:
➜  templates find netapp
➜  templates pwd
➜  templates
  1. I added a new entry into index.xml:
➜  templates grep netapp index.xml
<template url="network/netapp.xml" name="NetApp" libs="general;netapp" tags="NetApp"/>

Restarted VSC, but the library doesn't appear among other Shapes...

What do I need to do in order to import it correctly?

