hediet / vscode-debug-visualizer

An extension for VS Code that visualizes data during debugging.

Home Page:https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=hediet.debug-visualizer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Short choice of visualisers

Interein2 opened this issue · comments


I'm a bit confused. In VS Code installed Debug Visualiser from extensions list.
I'm sure VS Code has access to python and plotly module, also installed vscodedebugvisualizer module.
Code C/C++, with MinGW x64 as compiler/debugger, Windows platform.

Then debugging, Visualiser window has only vis.js and Graphviz as visualiser's and they work :D.
Problem is I want time series graph's by plotly (as in playground examples).

Tried to read documentation, but still missing info if this is normal (for C++ limited debug) or I need manually add additional visualizers

C++ is tricky. Your expression must be a valid JSON string.

Maybe a JS postprocessor could do the trick (not implemented).


I am seeing this with Python as well. the plotly option is gone and time series data are not displayed properly.

Can you post screenshots?


this is using the demo.py in your repo.


@hediet Any idea what is wrong? I can try to fix if you can give me some pointers. Thanks for awesome work.