hectorqin / mproxy

Simple HTTP Proxy with basic authentication, support simple reverse proxy

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A simple HTTP proxy. Support proxy basic authentication, custom proxy port and HTTP reverse proxy.


git clone https://github.com/hectorqin/mproxy
cd mproxy
make clean && make
# move this binary to your path
# mv mproxy /usr/local/bin/


$ ./mproxy -h
        -p <port number> : Specifyed local listen port.
        -a <user:pass> : Specifyed basic authorization of proxy.
           <auth_file> : Specifyed the proxy file, one line is one basic authorization string.
        -r <remote_host:remote_port> : Specifyed remote host and port of reverse proxy. Only support http service now.
        -f <remote_host:remote_port> : Specifyed remote host and port of upstream proxy.
        -A <user:pass> : Specifyed basic authorization of upstream proxy.
        -l <log_level> : Specifyed log level. error:1,info:2,debug:3,debug_send:4,debug_receive:5
        -E : Encode data when forwarding data. Available in forwarding upstream proxy.
        -D : Decode data when receiving data. Available in forwarding upstream proxy.
        -s : Get remote host and port from first line strictly.
        -d : Run as daemon.
        -v : Log verborse.
        -t : Log very verborse.
        -h : Print usage.

Start a http forward proxy server

Default port is 8080


Custom port

./mproxy -p 8999

Strict host

./mproxy -s

Run as daemon

./mproxy -d

Proxy basic authentication

./mproxy -a "www:123456"

Proxy authfile

# when the option of -a not include the char of :, the option value will be parsed as authfile
./mproxy -a ./authfile

Upstream proxy

./mproxy -f ""

Upstream proxy with upstream proxy basic authentication

./mproxy -f "" -A "www:123456"

Upstream proxy with upstream proxy basic authentication and Proxy basic authentication

./mproxy -f "" -A "www:123456" -a "www:12345678"

Upstream proxy with simple data encryption

# upstream proxy
./mproxy -D -p 8999

# proxy
./mproxy -f "" -A "www:123456" -a "www:12345678" -E

Start a http reverse proxy server

With custom port

./mproxy -p 8999 -r "www.baidu.com:80"

With www basic authentication

./mproxy -a "www:123456" -r "www.baidu.com:80"


Simple HTTP Proxy with basic authentication, support simple reverse proxy


Language:C 97.8%Language:PHP 1.4%Language:Makefile 0.8%