hcchappy / AudioWorks

A cross-platform, multi-format audio conversion and tagging suite

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A cross-platform, multi-format audio conversion and tagging suite for .NET and PowerShell. Formats currently supported are MP3, MP4 AAC, FLAC, Apple Lossless (ALAC), Opus, Ogg Vorbis and Wave.

A full user interface (Windows only) is in development.

This project supplants PowerShell Audio by targetting both Windows PowerShell and PowerShell Core (Windows, Linux and MacOS).

Platform Build Status (master) Build Status (dev) Deployment Status
Windows Build Status Code Coverage Build Status Deployment Status
Linux Build Status Code Coverage Build Status Deployment Status
MacOS Build Status Code Coverage Build Status Deployment Status

System Requirements

AudioWorks runs on Windows 7+, MacOS 10.13+, and Ubuntu 16.04+. Other 64-bit Linux distributions may work, but may require additional dependencies and are currently untested. Currently, most extensions only support the x86 architecture.

On Windows:

  • PowerShell Core 6.2+ (recommended) and/or Windows PowerShell 5.1
  • .NET Framework 4.6.2+ (if using Windows PowerShell)
  • iTunes (optional, for AAC and ALAC support. Requires the classic installer, not the Windows Store version. Technically only the Apple Application support packages are required)

On Ubuntu 20.04 or 18.04:

  • Via apt-get install:
    • libebur128-1

On Ubuntu 18.04:

  • Via apt-get install:
    • libebur128-1

On Ubuntu 16.04:

  • Via apt-get install:
    • libmp3lame0
    • libebur128-1


The AudioWorks PowerShell module can found on the PowerShell Gallery. If you are using Windows PowerShell 5.1, you may need to update PowerShellGet to a version that supports pre-release modules.

Keep the module up to date with Update-Module -Name AudioWorks.Commands -AllowPrerelease.

The .NET API is available via NuGet.

Additional Requirements for Building / Testing

Special Thanks

This project wouldn't be possible without the work of these other fine projects and organizations:

  • Hydrogen Audio Forums, a wonderful, scientifically-minded community of digital audio enthusiasts.
  • The LAME Project, maintainers of the high-quality MP3 encoder.
  • The Xiph.Org Foundation, maintainers of Ogg Vorbis and FLAC (the Free Lossless Audio Codec).
  • libebur128, a library implementing the EBU R.128 loudness standard.
  • QAAC, a command-line front-end for Apple's AAC and Apple Lossless encoders.


A cross-platform, multi-format audio conversion and tagging suite

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:C# 98.6%Language:PowerShell 1.4%