hbtlabs / chromium-white-flash-fix

[deprecated (issue fixed)] chromium google-chrome white flash bug fix

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

create wiki pages for common questions

hbt opened this issue · comments

common questions are:

flash player not working

answer: download flash separately and load it via argument e.g nohup /opt/chromium.org/chromium-beta/chrome --new-window $1 --ppapi-flash-path=/home/hassen/Downloads/flash_player_ppapi_linux.x86_64/libpepflashplayer.so --allow-file-access %U --disk-cache-dir="/tmp/ram" &> /dev/null &

netflix not working

answer: not supported by chromium due to proprietary plugins

chromium api, bookmarks, extensions, settings etc. not syncing

answer: get google api keys and load them

instructions https://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/api-keys

((someone break this down and make it dummy proof. too many emails about this and that not working where the user has to enable the API manually on google console ))

folder location of chromium

answer: folder is ~/.config/chromium where as google chrome is ~/.config/google-chrome
binaries in /opt/chromium.org/chromium-beta/chrome

unknown on windows. ((someone add filepaths for windows please))

latest browser version + updates


Updates are not automatic.

Binaries are updated when major chrome features are released.
Please compile the branch yourself if you need frequent updates

Main reasons this is not done frequenlty are:

  • build instructions change
  • it takes time to compile + release
  • this process is not automated

windows binarires are compiled weekly according to Jonathan. Mirror is last known/tested working version though.

macosx support?


None at the moment.
Compile it, send the binaries, I will add a link.

added to readme