hbldh / bleak

A cross platform Bluetooth Low Energy Client for Python using asyncio

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

mypy / error: Missing named argument ... [call-arg] / for optional kwargs

JPHutchins opened this issue · comments

  • bleak version: 0.21.1
  • Python version: 3.10, 3.12
  • Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04, Windows 11
  • BlueZ version (bluetoothctl -v) in case of Linux: NA


Mypy treats kwargs that are Unpacked as required. In fact, these kwargs were always intended as platform-specific optional arguments.

Mypy will diagnose missing kwargs as errors. In bleak, this occurs for any function that types kwargs as Unpack[ExtraArgs]. These include the methods discover, find_device_by_address, find_device_by_name, and find_device_by_filter.

Where a more friendly solution may be to use Generic and type aliases, use of Unpack is a welcome improvement over kwargs, so I believe that it's simple enough to add total=False because ALL of the kwargs are optional. Refer to https://peps.python.org/pep-0692/#required-and-non-required-keys. If finer grained control is required, then I suggest Generic and Type Aliases so that the user can see the arguments in their editor instead of having to rely on documentation.

What I Did

Ran mypy 1.7.1 on a file like:

from bleak import BleakScanner

async def main() -> None:
    await BleakScanner.find_device_by_address("address")

mypy . will diagnose every missing kwarg as error:

smpclient\blah.py:5: error: Missing named argument "service_uuids" for "find_device_by_address" of "BleakScanner"  [call-arg]
smpclient\blah.py:5: error: Missing named argument "scanning_mode" for "find_device_by_address" of "BleakScanner"  [call-arg]
smpclient\blah.py:5: error: Missing named argument "bluez" for "find_device_by_address" of "BleakScanner"  [call-arg]
smpclient\blah.py:5: error: Missing named argument "cb" for "find_device_by_address" of "BleakScanner"  [call-arg]
smpclient\blah.py:5: error: Missing named argument "backend" for "find_device_by_address" of "BleakScanner"  [call-arg]



poetry run mypy . within the bleak repo generates errors, and bleak does not enforce mypy, so it makes sense that this would only be noticed downstream.