haydnba / Well-Bean

App to create a healthier lifestyle and routine in a community driven platform

Home Page:http://well-bean.herokuapp.com/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Build Status


User Questionnaire

Well-Bean App

App to create a healthier lifestyle and routine in a community driven platform


Team Roles

  • Phat - UI/UX designer (Po)
  • Isaac - DevOps (Laa-Laa)
  • Haydn - QA developer (Dipsy)
  • Nico - Scrum master (TinkyWinky)

App Walkthrough

Problem Statement

General user needs to complete daily challenges so that they can improve their resilience and stay motivated.

User Journeys

The user can view a list of challenges, see more details, opt-in then complete or opt-out a challenge.

User Stories:

  • User can view challenges.
  • User can select a challenge and see more details.
  • User can opt-in to a challenge.
  • User can mark a challenge as complete
  • User can opt-out of a challenge if they want.

User can create an account or login to the app.

User Stories:

  • User can login to the app.
  • A new user can sign-up to the app.

User can easily navigate to other pages in the app.

User Stories:

  • User can get to Inspire page from all other pages.
  • User can get to Challenges page from all other pages.
  • User can get to Home page from all other pages.
  • User can get to Stats page from all other pages.

User can see a feed of positive messages.

User Stories:

  • Each user can read other users' messages.
  • User can see who is the author of each message

User can submit new messages or challenges.

User Stories:

  • User can write a message if desired.
  • Users can create challenges that follow the S.M.A.R.T pattern. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely).

User can see latest message, 10 latest challenges or current challenge all in one home page.

User stories:

  • User can see latest inspirational message on home page.
  • User can see 10 latest challenges in a carousel on home page.
  • User can see their current challenge on the home page.

User can view their progress.

User Stories:

  • User can track their progress in one place.

User can report messages or challenges.

User Stories:

  • User can report or provide feedback on a challenge.
  • They can report a messages that do not comply with the ethos of the app.

Git Flow

  • assign yourself to an issue and add in-progress label
  • start work on issue
  • commit work referencing issue
  • create a pull request
    • reference issue
    • add description of work completed
    • assign all of your team
    • if you are still working on the PR add [WIP] to the title (work in progress)
  • everybody in the team reviews the PR - IMPORTANT!!!
  • the creator of the PR should respond to all the questions and/or make changes requested (or say why don't want to change has to be a good reason)
  • the final team member to review should assign the QA and add awaiting-review label
  • the QA will review and reassign the creator of the PR and unassign themself
  • this step repeats until the PR can be merged 🔀 and the branch deleted ❌



"start": "node src/index.js",
"dev": "nodemon src/index.js",
"test": "NODE_ENV=test nyc tape src/test/**/*.test.js | tap-spec",
"test:routes": "NODE_ENV=test nyc tape src/test/controllers/*.test.js | tap-spec",
"test:queries": "NODE_ENV=test nyc tape src/test/model/*.test.js | tap-spec",
"test:helpers": "NODE_ENV=test nyc tape src/test/views/*.test.js | tap-spec",
"coverage": "nyc report --reporter=text-lcov > coverage.lcov && codecov",
"build:db": "node src/model/database/db_build.js" //will only run if dbBuild() is uncommented in db_build.js,
"sass": "node-sass --watch sass -o public/css"


  • express
  • express-handlebars
  • cookie-session
  • bcryptjs
  • body-parser
  • pg-promise
  • babel
  • serve-favicon
  • dot-env


  • tape
  • tap-spec
  • supertest
  • nyc
  • nodemon
  • eslint
  • eslint-config-airbnb-base


  • Heroku
  • Travis


  • Production: Heroku
  • Testing: Heroku
  • Development: Local

How to run/set up local environment

git clone [Well-Bean github repo]
cd Well-Bean
npm i

Create DATABASE_URL and TES_DB_URL in a .env file

Prototype Flow

Figma prototype

Tech Stack

  • Express
  • Handlebars
  • PostgreSQL or MongoDB
  • Tape
  • Supertest
  • Travis
  • Babel
  • Sass

Lessons and Learning

Research Learning Spiral


Who am I designing for?

  • Those suffering from addiction, looking to improve
  • People looking to develop a healthy daily routine
  • People who want to be involved in a positive community driven platform
  • Those who want to set daily challenges
  • People who want to participate in an anonymous social network

What kinds of goals will those individuals be accomplishing as they use your product/service?

  • Stopping an addiction/bad habit
  • Building confidence
  • Developing a daily routine they commit to
  • Feel accomplishment in helping and contributing for others
  • Satisfaction in completing and creating challenges for others

When will those people be engaging with your product?

  • Initiate, when looking to make a lifestyle change
  • Daily basis/ routine check
  • When challenges are complete
  • When you want to share postivity

Where will those people be using what you are designing?

  • Smartphone focused
  • In quiet time / personal time
  • Mobile, use wherever comfortable

Why are those people choosing to use what you’ve designed (and not something else) and what drives this behavior?

  • Anonymous
  • Positive community
  • We provide daily challenges
  • Community moderation

How will they be using it?

  • Complete daily challenges
  • Track accomplishments
  • Share thoughts


In a few bullet points, by building this app, what are you looking to prove?

  • A positive community can be created
  • Healthy changes can be made from daily routine
  • Help others indirectly

User Journey Flow Chart

Flow Chart


App to create a healthier lifestyle and routine in a community driven platform



Language:JavaScript 68.2%Language:CSS 19.2%Language:HTML 12.6%