haxzie / instagram-live-streamer

[Unofficial] Broadcast to Instagram Live from your Windows/Mac/Linux

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[BUG] Unable to unmute comments

1976TrentC opened this issue Β· comments

Hey! It`s working great for me w OBS Windows 10 - thankyou! 1 little issue... Comments are muted no matter which way i set the switch for "Mute Comments" This a known thing? Anything i can do on my end? Cheers

Hey @1976TrentC, Thank you for reporting. I haven't came across this problem before. I'll take a look into it and get back to you. πŸ‘

Hey @1976TrentC Looks like the mute comments works fine (on a Linux machine) apart from the glitch in initial mute state. Unfortunately you won't be able to see the comments in the app. We will shortly release this feature in upcoming weeks πŸ˜„


If you still have the issue, please let me know which operating system you are using.

Do you have 2FactorAuthentication enabled in your third account?

The application will not work if 2FA is enabled, we will update the app to use 2FA in future version. Do you see any error on the screen? If the login issue is not because 2FA, I'll take a closer look.

I have added fixes for the checkpoints and 2FA verification. Ability to view comments and more. The new version will be out in few days πŸ‘