haxzie / instagram-live-streamer

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I am not able to use the npm run dist: win accompanies this error

MoreiraTv opened this issue Β· comments

I have the same issue too.

I went to package.json and in scripts I changed what was at start to "start": "react-scripts start", and so at least npm start is back up and running


Like this?

Because I'm still getting the same error.

uses npm start

Thanks for reporting @MatheusMoreira0101 @gvasilakiss, I have fixed the issue with npm run dist:win on windows machines in the latest update. Feel free to test it out and let me know if the issue still persists.

Hey there, now when I run the program I get this

Hey @gvasilakiss, I have tested this on a windows machine. Couldn't reproduce it. Can you let me know the commands you have used to start the application?

Ideally the following command should work on windows.

npm run electron-dev

If you get an error saying 'BROWSER' is not recognized as internal or external command, just remove BROWSER=none from the electron-dev run script in package.json

To start the application I do:

npm run dist:win

Is this the correct format?


Yes, that's the correct format. I have pushed a hot-fix to change a few things in the run scripts. Please pull the changes and try again. If the problem persists, check the command line for any logs indicating any error.

npm run dist:win is used to create production builds of the app. To run the app in development mode npm run electron-dev is used.

This is the message I get now:

I tried the cross-env but I didn't work.

cross-env is a development dependency, you might need to run npm install

Okay now its working form the electro-dev

When I'm trying to log in I get this now:
:3000/#/:1 Form submission cancelled because the form is not connected

Try, pulling the latest changes πŸ˜„ I have encountered this and sent a fix.

I pulled the latest one, but still the same issue

Cross-platform development is a pain πŸ€• . I'll take a close look into this one. Do check if the problem exists on production builds.:)

Okay, will wait for your reply.

When I login it returns to the terminal

(electron) The default value of app.allowRendererProcessReuse is deprecated, it is currently "false". It will change to be "true" in Electron 9. For more information please check electron/electron#18397


alhamdulillah, but I can't save 24 hours πŸ˜„ ,

@mukmin-rockman Option will be available in the upcoming release πŸ‘πŸΌ

Thank you very much (Jazakallahu khairan) Mr. @haxzie πŸ‘

alhamdulillah, but I can't save 24 hours πŸ˜„ ,

How you managed to get it working?

Can you send the steps you followed, I did what was said in the readme file, but no luck.

When I login it returns to the terminal

(electron) The default value of app.allowRendererProcessReuse is deprecated, it is currently "false". It will change to be "true" in Electron 9. For more information please check electron/electron#18397


Even I had the same issue. The latest update has helped me fix it. Please do check it. kudos @haxzie

WhatsApp Image 2020-05-04 at 16 51 05 the video was automatically saved, I'm waiting for the next update!!
chat me via Whatapps +62 85701113692 or instagram : mukmin.rockman_

@monillosagasta As of now, nope.