haxball / haxball-issues

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


jerryoldson opened this issue · comments

Recently, 1 week maybe, fps started dropping for no apparent reason. It's not just me but many players are complaining about this too.
Also, it's not room specific, it happens in ANY haxball room, with a bot or not.
I don't know what changes were made but it broke the game...


i agree with you, it happens to me in all the rooms i play 😿

Siiii nose que pasa ultimamente que me va con bajones de fps y me moleste mucho a la hora de ser competitivo en los ofi de uy7 y paolo osea corte bajones rre piola

Totalmente op, estuve viendo que a muchos les está pasando recientemente. A mí por suerte no me sucedió por ahora (capaz porque tengo rtx), espero se solucione o haya alguna respuesta por parte del querido basro.

No changes were made recently, perhaps it's caused by an update to chrome.

I have not been able to reproduce it so far, I got no abnormal fps drops.