haskell / text

Haskell library for space- and time-efficient operations over Unicode text.

Home Page:http://hackage.haskell.org/package/text

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Release text-2.1 [was: Release text-2.0.3?]

Bodigrim opened this issue · comments

I hoped us to be able to make a new release of text-2.1.0 from master, but GHC team asked not to introduce breaking changes to GHC 9.8 at this stage. Given several important bug fixes recently, we should probably create a release branch for text-2.0.3, reverting breaking changes. If it sounds good, I can give it a go next week. @Lysxia what do you think?

Sounds good. I'll be available to review and help you with anything.

One thing to consider here is whether to include 2640dd6
I've noticed that this can break code that depends on ByteArray being a constructor of Array, see: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/issues/23758

My mood has changed: given ever changing nature of GHC release schedule, I don't feel like cherry-picking commits to release text-2.0.3 is a good investment of my time this summer. Still happy to cut text-2.1.0 from the master branch.

@Bodigrim you mean that GHC-9.8 should bundle text-2.0.2, I guess GHC folks would still need a commit with relaxed bounds? Ping @bgamari