haskell / haddock

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show COMPLETE pragmas in documentation

olafklinke opened this issue · comments

This is a feature request.
Much like MINIMAL pragmas for type classes, the COMPLETE pragma is used to signal a contract, namely that a set of functions (patterns in this case) cover a type. While the MINIMAL pragma is picked up by Haddock, COMPLETE is not. Thus the only way for a library user to discover this information is either to look at the source or compile with Wincomplete-uni-patterns.

Relevant haskell-cafe-thread: Wincomplete-uni-patterns and bidirectional patterns

A prominent example and test case is the module Data.Sequence.Internal which contains two COMPLETE pragmas.

Hi, thank you for this ticket,but Haddock now lives full-time in the GHC repository!
Read more at https://discourse.haskell.org/t/haddock-now-lives-in-the-ghc-repository/9576.

Let me know if you feel it is still needed, and I'll migrate it. :)