haskell / haddock

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Linearity hidden in multi-line type signatures

Lysxia opened this issue · comments

The last arrow in the function Data.Array.Mutable.Linear.slice is linear, but is not displayed as such:


This happens in many multi-line type signatures in https://hackage.haskell.org/package/text-builder-linear-0.1/docs/Data-Text-Builder-Linear-Core.html also:

e.g. appendBounded, appendExact, etc. The last arrows in these functions should be (or %1 ->) but that does not happen.

cc: @Bodigrim

Hi, thank you for this ticket, but Haddock now lives full-time in the GHC repository!
Read more at https://discourse.haskell.org/t/haddock-now-lives-in-the-ghc-repository/9576.

Let me know if you feel it is still needed, and I'll migrate it. :)