haskell / containers

Assorted concrete container types

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Build of container-test fails with cabal

AliceRixte opened this issue · comments

Hello again !

So I just tried to compile containers-test via cabal and I ran into some other issue.

Compilation starts (which is an improvement compared with my previous attempt with stack) and eventually fails with

cabal- can't find source for Data\Containers\ListUtils in src,

** Steps to reproduce : **

  1. Uncomment the last two lines of cabal.project :
package containers-tests
   ghc-options: -Werror
  1. Run cabal test containers-tests

As with stacks, compiling containers, with the two lines above commented, works fine though.

Cheers !

My semi-educated guess is that you're running into #630, which is a mess I don't really know how to help with. Could you try copying the src and include trees from the containers subdirectory into the containers-tests one after each round of modifications and before running tests/benchmarks? That might at least get you unstuck, though it will be annoying.

Alternatively (better?) you could copy that once, do whatever you need to do within the containers-tests directory, then copy it back before you commit. We use symbolic links to replicate the source of containers in containers-tests. That lets us uncomment the containers package from cabal.project to avoid recompiling all the test and benchmark framework stuff while iterating on changes. There may be a better way, but I'm not good at this sort of devops stuff and that's what @phadej was able to figure out.

Yes, that was it ! I have managed to compile and run the tests, thanks a lot for your help !

I closed the issue because this would be a duplicate of #630 (comment)

You're welcome. Do you think you could write something up about what you did to add to CONTRIBUTING.md? I don't have a Windows development environment, so I can't experiment with that sort of thing.

Sure, I'll do that tomorrow, I need some sleep first :)

That'd be great. Good night!

I added a pull request with some instructions. Actually it is possible on windows to use symlinks, so there's no need for the workaround you suggested before except for Windows 8 or earlier. This should also close #630