haskell / ThreadScope

A graphical tool for profiling parallel Haskell programs

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Minor compilation issues with recent cairo

peti opened this issue · comments

Hi, we've tried to update cairo and several other related packages in NixOS, but these updates break the build of threadscope: http://hydra.cryp.to/build/256390/nixlog/1/raw. This seems like a trivial issue to fix, so I was wondering if, by any chance, you could release a new version to Hackage that fixes these errors?

The issue seems to be caused by the update of gtk, not Cairo. taffybar/taffybar#103 has a similar build error.

In #42, @Acaccia kindly fixed the problem. The new release is at:


Thank you guys, both for reporting and fixing! Cheers!

@peti: Thank you for the report. Does the new version of TS compile OK?

I see the old version is still mentioned in


but perhaps you tried locally and something in TS failed again?

I updated the package a moment ago in NixOS/nixpkgs@0dd518c and it works fine! Thank you for the reminder.

@peti can this issue be closed?