haskell / HTTP

Haskell HTTP package

Home Page:http://hackage.haskell.org/package/HTTP

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Bump base upper bound

singpolyma opened this issue · comments

Include support for base-

Are there any code changes required?
I'm not all that keen on promising support for base 4.7 in a hackage release until it's stable, though I realise it's also inconvenient for people working on the bleeding edge. Would having a branch that tracks 4.7 be enough?

No code changes required (at least as it stands right now).

A branch would be nicer than the current situation (where I have to hack the *.cabal file to install it), but means I can't use cabal install HTTP, which is sad.

There's a suggestion of "double bumping" package versions: http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/libraries/2013-February/019409.html

e.g. with base 4.6 as the current stable, 4.7 would only be used for development (and never released on hackage), and 4.8 would be the next stable release.

With that scheme I'd be happy to bump to 4.7 eagerly and re-upload to hackage, and then bump to 4.8 when the API is promised to be stable.

@hsenag it seems that link is broken. Would you mind turning up a new one?

The mailing list archives got renumbered recently - there's been some discussion of trying to retrieve the original numbers so maybe the link above will start working again.

In the meantime, I think this is the precise post I linked to: http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/libraries/2013-February/019140.html

Base dependency is now bumped, though the general principle of dealing with development dependency bumps is still an issue.