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GHC vs HSE: List of all extensions handled by GHC but not yet by HSE

niklasbroberg opened this issue · comments

Below is a hopefully comprehensive list of the extensions added to GHC that HSE is not yet aware of.

  • MonadComprehensions
  • TraditionalRecordSyntax
  • Safe, Unsafe, Trustworthy

Some of these will have no syntactic impact and can thus be ticked off after having been added to Language.Haskell.Exts.Extension. Those that are syntactic in nature should each be given an issue of their own, with a reference added to the list above. When fixed, remove from list.

I intend to use this list as an evolving comparison to GHC, to keep track of how we're doing.

Fixed InterruptibleFFI.

I just got a request for DefaultSignatures warnings in HSE, so this bug blocks ndmitchell/hlint#1

I'm working on MultiWayIf and LambaCase

I have implemented LambdaCase, see #33.

Can I suggest one bug per feature? (Perhaps still using this bug to track all the individual bugs.) It seems each of these is going to get completed with different priority at different points in time, and I need to link to these bugs from my bug tracker.

MultiWayIf fixed by #34. It would be great if we could this fix and the others in soon.

And yes, having separate issues for separate features, as suggested by @ndmitchell would be good.

Sounds good. @ndmitchell, can you go ahead and create the issues?

Some of them are already addressed by pull requests. I hope we'll get the PRs reviewed soon.

@feuerbach I'm afraid I don't think I've got a clue which have been solved (some clearly have), which have tickets (some half have, for example #67) and which are completely absent. Rather than make a message for someone to triage later, I suggest someone with more knowledge of the existing state of the bug tracker have a stab at it. My suggestion was partly because from reading the ticket I can't see what's fixed and what isn't 😄

Gee, that's what happens when you turn your back for a moment to have a baby. 😄

I'll see if I can make sense of the avalanche of bug reports and pull requests. It may take me a while, but in the mean time, THANKS to all for the great work!

@phischu contributed DefaultSignatures. DeriveGeneric has landed. LambdaCase is merged. ParallelArrays are merged. BinaryLiterals are merged. Safe imports are merged. DoRec is merged.

Could you elaborate on why ExplicitNamespaces is marked as unofficial and not supported by Cabal? I have some code that uses it but builds fine with Cabal...

List in original comment somewhat edited to reflect the current state of HSE.

Updated the list in the original comment again.

I'm not sure how valuable this monster-ticket that can never be closed is; each missing extension should have its own ticket. Does anyone care about this ticket in particular or can I close it?