hashicorp-forge / hermes

A document management system

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unexpected redirect to localhost:999

dfelgar-ae opened this issue · comments

  1. Download and build Hermes
  2. Setup Google Workspace, Algolia, Google Drive
  3. Copy credentials.json
  5. ./hermes server -config=config.hcl

First I got the error from Google: Error 400 redirect_uri_mismatch. Redirect_uri: http://localhost:9999/callback
I tried adding that redirect_uri to the credentials via https://console.cloud.google.com/. Now when I try to start up Hermes the browser tries to open "http://localhost:9999/callback" which of course doesn't work.

Any suggestions? Thanks

@dfelgar-ae what didn't work for you?

This seems to be working as designed. Note this line. Hermes starts a server on port 9999 and then saves the token once you authorize it. This worked for me, and it returned me to the screen "The token has been recorded and this window can be closed." Were you able to get that far?

Edit: This was unexpected because the URL wasn't documented as a required addition to the credentials.

I installed Hermes on a Linux EC2. When I start it up it produces a link https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?client_id=..., to which I browse on my local computer, then I get redirected to "http://localhost:9999" which doesn't work from my local computer of course.

I installed Lynx on the Hermes machine and with that browsed to the localhost:9999 link. Now I'm getting a different error. I'll see if I have authority to add this trick to your project markdown file. Thanks for your help.

I can't seem to edit your README, you might consider adding the lynx step