HarvestProfit / codelation_ui

Rails Asset Pipeline Gem

Home Page:https://codelation.github.io/codelation_ui/

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Codelation Assets

A collection of SCSS mixins and JavaScript helpers used by Codelation for building awesome Rails apps quickly.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "codelation_assets"

Install the Codelation Assets gem with Bundler:

bundle install


Add to application.js:

//= require codelation

App Functions

The App object is used in Codelation's Rails projects to register components that need to be initialized on every page and to sprinkle in JavaScript on specific pages.

Registering JavaScript Components

By using App.register('component'), you can fire some JavaScript on every page load.

The function passed to enter will fire for $(document).on('ready page:load'), so it will work with or without Turbolinks.

The function passed to exit will fire for $(document).on('page:before-unload'), so it will only work with Turbolinks, but will not be needed when not using Turbolinks.


(function() {
  "use strict"

  var body, links;

  App.register('component').enter(function() {
    body = $('body');
    links = $('a[href]:not([href^="#"]):not([target="_blank"])');

    // Add 'loading' class to the body when a link is clicked,
    // add add 'active' class to the clicked link.
    links.click(function() {
  }).exit(function() {
    // Remove the classes when the body is unloaded

Registering Per Page JavaScript Snippets

You can use App.register('[controller-name].[action-name]') to fire some JavaScript any time that page is loaded and unloaded. The enter and exit functions work the same as components.

This assumes you are using a helper to set the body class to include the dasherized controller name and dasherized action.


(function() {
  "use strict"

  var refreshInterval;

  // This will only fire when entering and exiting the `AwesomeStatsController#index` page.
  App.register('awesome-stats.index').enter(function() {
    // Poll a URL for new data at a set interval
    refreshInterval = setInterval(pollStats, 5000);
  }).exit(function() {
    // Clear the interval when the page is unloaded

You can also use App.register('[controller-name]') to fire JavaScript on all pages for the given controller name.


Add to application.scss:

@import "codelation";

Included Sass/CSS Libraries

  • Bourbon - A simple and lightweight mixin library for Sass.
  • Normalize.css - A modern, HTML5-ready alternative to CSS resets

Additional Functions and Mixins

A handful of useful Sass functions and mixins written by Codelation are also included.

Sass Functions

color($color, $number: 500)

The Google Material Design Colors come in handy when you need a color for creating application interfaces. They are a much better alternative to CSS's named colors (blue, green, red, etc.), but just as easy to use.


// The named colors are available as variables of the same name
.warning {
  color: $amber;

// You can also use the different shades available
.error {
  color: color($red, 700);

// @see https://www.google.com/design/spec/style/color.html
.success {
  color: color($green, 600);

This function is useful for creating mixins where you have a background color as a variable and need to display either black or white text on top of the given color.

Sass Mixins

button($background-color: color($grey, 100), $color: color($grey, 800), $active-background-color: $accent-color, $active-color: text-color($accent-color))

By default, @include button; will create a plain grey button. It looks a lot like the default button in some browsers, but it will be rendered to look the same across all browsers. Useful for applications that need to be obvious about a button looking like a button.


This mixin uses flexbox to center the child elements horizontally and vertically inside the element. A good use case is centering an image of unknown height inside a container with a fixed height.

has-cards($columns, $margin: 0)

This mixin uses flexbox to create a cards layout like that used by Google Material Design. The mixin is used on the container element. This will create a fixed margin between each card element and adds padding around the outside of the cards. Useful for creating a dashboard widgets look.



<div class="dashboard">
  <div class="card"><div>
  <div class="card"><div>
  <div class="card"><div>
  <div class="card"><div>


// This will create a cards layout with two cards per row.
// There will be a fixed margin of 1em between and around the cards.
// The cards in each row will stretch to be the same height.
.dashboard {
  @include has-cards(2, 1em);
  background-color: #ccc;

  .card {
    background-color: #fff;
    border-radius: 2px;
    box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
has-columns($columns: 0, $gutter: 0, $grow: true)

This mixin uses flexbox to create a layout with the specified number of columns that stretch to fill the container's height. The given gutter size will the margin between the columns. The container must be a single row of columns.

When the column count is given, the columns will all be the same width. If no column count is given, the row will behave like a table row. The entire width will be used and each column width will be determined by its content. $grow can be set to false if you don't want the columns to take up the entire width of the container.



<div class="row">
  <div>Column 1<div>
  <div>Column 2<div>
  <div>Column 3<div>

<div class="table">
  <div>Column 1</div>
  <div>Column 2</div>
  <div>Column 3</div>
  <div>Column 4</div>
  <div>Column 5</div>


// This will create a row with three columns.
// The columns will all fill the container height.
// There will be a fixed gutter of 12px between the columns.
.row {
  @include has-columns(3, 12px);

// This will create a row with five columns.
// The columns will all fill the container height and width.
// The width of each column will be determined by its content.
// There will be a fixed gutter of 10px between the columns.
.table {
  @include has-columns($gutter: 10px);
col-span($columns of $container-columns, $gutter: 0)

When the has-columns mixin is used properly, you can create columns in a row that span the width of multiple columns in another row. In order to use the col-span mixin, you must use a percentage value or zero for your gutter width. There is no way to have a fixed gutter width, flexible column widths, and match up with the columns in another row.



<div class="row">
  <div>Column 1<div>
  <div>Column 2<div>
  <div>Column 3<div>
<div class="row">
  <div class="wide-column">Column 4<div>
  <div>Column 5<div>


.row {
  @include has-columns(3, 3%);

// Column 4 will span across two columns. Its left side will match up with
// column 1's left side, and its right side will match up with column 2's right
// side. Column 5's right margin will be set to 0 without any extra SCSS.
.wide-column {
  @include col-span(2 of 3, 3%)
has-grid($columns, $gutter: 0)

This mixin uses flexbox to create a grid layout with an unknown number of child elements. Each child element will have the same width and they will stretch to be the same height. The gutter size is the width between each column and the height between each row. Unlike the has-cards mixin, there will not be a margin around the child elements, only between. This mixin is perfect for a product category page.



<div class="products">
  <div>Product 1<div>
  <div>Product 2<div>
  <div>Product 3<div>
  <div>Product 4<div>
  <div>Product 5<div>


// Products 1 - 3 will be on the first row and there will be a margin of 1em between them.
// Products 4 & 5 will be on the second row and will match up with products 1 & 2.
// There will be a margin of 1em between the rows.
.products {
  @include has-grid(3, 1em);


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Rails Asset Pipeline Gem


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 63.4%Language:CSS 31.2%Language:Ruby 5.2%Language:HTML 0.2%