harman666666 / ChaosNetwork

A design for a new deep learning model architecture inspired by the human brain

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CHAOS NETWORKS design and implementation paper

Author: Harman Singh


Link to reviewed design paper coming soon. Core ideas described below.


The chaos network is designed similar to the human brain. Relationships between neurons, and paths of neural activity formed during pattern recognition is the basis for the "chaos" network.

The chaos network is a very malleable deep learning network since each neuron or node can speak to k other nodes a set number of times and complex graphs can be formed between these neurons for activity paths to travel. Certain types of graphs shapes and arrangements will be better than others for certain problems (the effect of graph shapes will be discussed in a later investigation).

EACH NODE HAS A CERTAIN DEGREE, WHICH SPECIFIES THE NUMBER OF WEIGHTS IT HAS. Each node does the following computation => A = tanh(w1x1 + w2x2 + w3x3 + ... + wkxk), where k is the degree for the node. (tanh can be replaced by other nonlinearities such as relu, this will be further investigated later).

For example, each node does a dot product with its inputs. so a node with degree 3, will have 3 weights it will need to train, and will take 3 inputs which will be outputs from 3 other nodes in the chaos graph (and these outputs were calculated in iteration i-1 if we are computing the activations in iteration i)

Design Details of ChaosNetwork:

The chaos network is iteratiive, so it can have an iteration count of 10, which results in 10 activations created by each node in the graph, for each test sample. (A possible thing that can be investigated later is backpropping 10 times, instead of once for each test example as a result)

a fully connected layer projects input into output, output is equal to number of nodes in the CHAOS GRAPH. the chaos graph is a bunch of nodes conneceted to other nodes (connected as in, it takes its activations as inputs.) iterations are run on the chaos network

Each node has a candidate field and an selected field. A candidate field is all the nodes that are the neighbours of that node. (sort of like in the brain, a neuron has neurons surrounding it that it can spark) the selected field is the specific nodes chosen from the candidate field that will be used in the current iteration. ("used" meaning "take activations from to be used in its dot product calculation")

HARD CONSTRAINTS for this network Each node computes a dot product, so each node outputs only 1 value each iteration. Each node stores all its activations in a node list.(THIS node list of activations can be used for all sorts of things, for instance, an output projection layer can finally aggregate all the activations computed from the chaos graph in 10 iterations to compute the final output probabilities for a classification problem)

A "Controller" neural network is used to decide which nodes the node should choose from its candidate field. To decide, the controller network will take in the previous activation for that node, and activations for all the nodes in the candidate field, and it will score each node in the candidate field. since the node has degree k, the top k nodes will be used for activation.

The controller neural network can be made in lots of ways...

DOES THIS MEAN EACH NODE HAS A NEURAL NETWORK since each node needs a controller? (SEEMS INTRACTABLE.). Not that bad idea of an idea(maybe something that can be tested later). better solution is one controller or 2 controllers (sort of like the 2 hemispheres that control the human brain). The controller can be a series of full connected neural network layers (or conv net layers, rnns) that will take in activation input from each node in the chaos graph. Output size for the controller is the same as the number of nodes because each node will be a given a score.

After getting the score, the nodes will choose the top k scored nodes in their candidate fields to be in its active field for that iteration.

Other cool thoughts:

Since the iterations for each node are stored in the node activiation list, and there are X nodes, and K iterations, then we have data that is usable by an LSTM to make predictions based on timestepped data where the number of timesteps is K, and each timestep has X features. (Features can be organized based on the graph shape).


Input projection layer(can be convolutional nets, FC layers, ) takes in X creates activation 0, for each node in chaos graph
The output from input projection layer is pushed into the node activation list as the first element for each node (so activation at index 0, or activation 0)

    FOR i from 1 to X (So the iteration hyperparameter for the chaos graph is X)
        nodes are scored by controller graph (score is calculated based on activations at time i-1, which in this case is the output from the input projection layer),
        each node finds top k nodes and then computes its dot product and tanh , and stores that value in its node activation list. (use tie breaking rules for weight sharing in this step)

    Values in Node activation list are then fed into a convolutional net/feed forward net to compute output (output can be probabilities for a classiication problem)
    (The output projection layer can be whatever you want it to be)



The structure is central to performance.

Note about the chaos graph: the graph is directed. An edge between 2 nodes does not imply that each node is in each other's candidate fields. A node may have another node in its candidate field, but not vice versa.

Chaos graphs with the constraint that edges between nodes implies the node's are in each other's candidate fields will be called Undirected Chaos Graphs (An investigation will be performed on them later).

Chaos Chunks

Another important piece of the chaos graph is called a chaos chunk: A chaos chunk is a set of nodes working together in a chaos graph which have small candidate field sizes and have each other in their candidate fields. Chaos chunks are like specialized parts in the brain such as a part of the brain that deals with motor function or another part of the brain that deals with olfactory (smell) senses. '

Chaos graphs should be constructued with chaos chunks in mind. The abstracted knowledge from these chaos chunks can be used in the central part of the chaos graph to aggregate knowledge and make final predictions.

Graph Structure Definitions and guides

The shape of the graph is postulated to have a large impact. Important features of the graph to consider include:

The degree of the node: how many weights does the node have? The candidate field size of each node (aka cadidate degree): how many nodes are in the candidate field? The influence of each node: the influence of each node is defined as how much impact a particular node in the chaos graph has that will effect the final output. Some nodes will be more important than other nodes, so training those nodes well will have huge effects on the final performance of the chaos graph. To make a node influential, that node should be in the candidate field for a lot of nodes.

The influence of a chaos chunk. Similar to the definition of influence of a node


The construction of the graph can be done in 2 ways: Randomly (creating an unstructured chaos graph) by using RNG to randomly choose nodes in the candidate field after specifying how many nodes there will be and the candidate field size for each node, or defining a structure (structured chaos graph) by specifying the exact relationships between nodes so that a certain shape is achieved

Here is an example random construction algorithm:

Here is


Can weights be shared between nodes? A weight for a node will multiply with inputs from different nodes instead of the same node each time which is done in traditional feedforward networks.


Each node in the candidate field will always be multiplied by the same weight (out of the k weights) when it is chosen for the selected field. Node X's candidate field nodes will have a weight-match with a particular weight in node X! This means if (a, b, c, d, e) are nodes in the candidate field for node F, and node F has weights (w1, w2, w3) (Degree 3), then a will always multiply with w1 if its chosen, (lets use the term weigth-match, so a's weight-match is w1 ) b will always multiple with w2 if its chosen, c will always multiple with w3 if its chosen, d will always multiply with w1 if its chosen,
e will always multiply with w2 if its chosen as an example. (MAKE SURE WHEN DOing WEIGHT MATCHINGS TO REDUCE THE NUMBER OF COMMON weight matchings as much as possible to reduce the amount of tie breaking.)

The reason for this constraint is so that these weights can then gain affinity with the nodes that can be chosen for those weights, leading to meaningful learning in the network, 
without this constraint the weights will not learn ANYTHING because the weights are backpropping on values from too many different nodes inconsistently!! 
IF WE ARE TO ALLOW WEIGHTS TO BE LEARNING ON DIFFERENT NODES (AKA THE QUESTION OF WEIGHT SHARING), then the weight should only be consistently shared between some nodes, and never any other
nodes. (In this example, A AND D WILL ALWAYS SHARE WEIGHT 1). 

Problem: WHAT IF the selected field is (a, d, e), then which weights are assigned to which nodes, since a and d are both assigned to weight 1?
Here are the solutions we can investigate: 
Solution 1: DO NOT ALLOW THE selected field TO CONTAIN Nodes with common weight-matches. 
Solution 2: Allow each node to have a priority list of weights matches, so if a weight is taken by another node, then go to the second weight match in the priority list and check if thats
            taken and if it isnt, then take that weight. Therefore  every node in the candidate field can possibly be assigned to  any weight.
            The weights will be taken based on highest score to lowest score greedily, by the node's in the selected field, and preferences based on the priority list. 

Solution 3: Use simpler tie breaking rules than solution 2. (however simpler rules than solution 2 will reduce weight node affinity, which is the basis for fast, viable, and accurate learing)
Solution 4: greedily choose top k nodes, skipping the ones that have a common weight-matching with a node already chosen to be in the selected field. (OK SO AFFINITY IS MAXIMIZED In this solution, but the controller loses their IRON WILL to pass enforcing decisions)

A neat idea I like from Hinton's CAPSULE NETWORKS (Neurons with vector in vector out instead of scaler in scaler out):

Currently the neurons in the chaos net do scaler in scaler out. These are wh BUT MAYBE ITS BETTER IF WE DO WHAT CAPSULE NETWORKS DO: vector in vector out. This allows alot more generalization to be done in higher chaos iterations instead of lower iterations.

( Vectors help because the help us encode more information, and not just any kind of information, relational and relative information. )

Advantages of Chaos Network

  • Can memorize lots of details due to the high number of permutations and states for "memories" to be in
  • Sort of like the human brain.

Disadvantages of Chaos Network

  • Very Indeterministic
  • A lot of configuration required compared to other networks (Such as the input graph shape)


A design for a new deep learning model architecture inspired by the human brain


Language:Python 100.0%