harlan-zw / nuxt-site-config

Unifying site config with powerful and flexible APIs, for module authors and users.

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Probleme import on Sitelin component.

DascoRM opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

I've a probleme import on Sitelink component...
Just after install nuxt-simple-sitemap v4.0.1
You know why this erorr pop ?


after install nuxt-sitemap

System / Nuxt Info

Nuxt v3.8.0

Hi, did you disable auto imports by any chance?

No, we have a simple Nuxt3 typescript setup, by the book. The issue appeared after installing the nuxt-simple-sitemap module which has this repository as a dependancy.

Did you run nuxi prepare first? #imports is definitely valid but is generated at runtime

However, maybe should probably not lint node_modules? I'm not sure how I can fix this on my end

Have the same problem. Simple Nuxt 3 + TypeScript setup. I run nuxi prepare, but it doesn't help.

  • Operating System: Darwin
  • Node Version: v18.18.2
  • Nuxt Version: 3.8.1
  • CLI Version: 3.9.1
  • Nitro Version: 2.7.2
  • Package Manager: npm@9.8.1
  • Builder: -
  • User Config: ssr, css, srcDir, typescript, vite, nitro, app, modules, dir, imports, runtimeConfig
  • Runtime Modules: @pinia/nuxt@0.4.11, @vueuse/nuxt@10.6.1, @nuxt/image@1.0.0, @nuxtjs/tailwindcss@6.9.4, nuxt-simple-sitemap@4.1.3
  • Build Modules: -

I've reworked the logic in 1.6.1 which should solve the type issue.