harlan-zw / nuxt-site-config

Unifying site config with powerful and flexible APIs, for module authors and users.

Home Page:https://nuxtseo.com/site-config

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Bug : Ref<string> is not assignable to parameter of type MaybeRef<string>

fredski02 opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

Argument of type 'Ref<string>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'MaybeRef<string>'.
  Property '[RefSymbol]' is missing in type 'globalThis.Ref<string>' but required in type 'import("/Users/user/projects/cws-homepage-app/node_modules/.pnpm/@vue+reactivity@3.3.4/node_modules/@vue/reactivity/dist/reactivity").Ref<string>'.
 FILE  /Users/user/projects/cws-homepage-app/node_modules/.pnpm/nuxt-site-config@1.6.7_@nuxt+devtools@1.0.5_@vue+compiler-core@3.3.11_nuxt@3.8.2_postcss@8.4.32/node_modules/nuxt-site-config/dist/runtime/component/SiteLink.vue:15:25
    13 | const linkResolver = createSitePathResolver({ withBase: propRefs.withBase, absolute: propRefs.absolute })
   14 |
 > 15 | const to = linkResolver(propRefs.to)
      |                         ^^^^^^^^^^^
   16 | </script>
   17 |
   18 | <template>


No response

System / Nuxt Info

Mac OS latest
Nuxt latest
Chrome latest

wrong repo

No problem, I've transferred it :)

This should be fixed in v2 that will be rolled out to all SEO modules soon.