hardik / react-faq

A collection of links to help answer your questions about React.js

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React FAQ

This guide aims to pull together quality content about React core concepts into a central location for quick reference.

In the future it might cover best practices and how and why to use different patterns and techniques. For now enjoy the links and please share/link back to this repo.

Remember we're all learning. Read, Try, Mess Up (it's okay), Learn. It's okay if you don't know all the terms.


I don't know React what should I watch / read before I start?


#Creating a React Project

How do I create a new React project?

Where can I find videos for using React Create App?

React Create App + Express @sprjrx @ladyleet

Can I play around with React Online?

#Why use React

What so good about React?

#JSX What's JSX?

What does JSX really do for me?

This is the sort of stuff JSX saves you from having to manage Jonny Buchanan ‏@jbscript

#The Virtual DOM What is the Virtual DOM


How do I pass props?

Should I use import, props, or context in React?

How do I pass boolean values?

How do I validate props?


What are PropTypes?

#State How do I handle state?

How can I decouple state and UI?

#Component Types

What types of components are there?

Presentational and Container Components <Code />

Higher-Order Components <Code />

Function as Child Components <Code />

Stateless Function <Code />

How do I decide what type of Component to use?

#Finding Components

Where are some good places to find components?


What should you use for binding methods in React classes?

What is this bind thing?


How does the event system work in React?


What should go in the render function?

#Lifecycle Methods

What are Lifecycle Methods?


Why can't i put key in default props (or define the default somewhere else)?

What should I use for a key?

What are some examples where I should manually change a key?


How can I build forms with React?

How can I validate form input?



What do I need to know about React to get started?


What are some React Gotchas?


What are refs and are string refs are bad?


What's all this stuff I hear about Facebook PATENTS clause?


Why are Mixins Considered Harmful?


How should I handle internationalization?

#Third Party Libraries

How do I use third party libraries?


How can I make my app faster?

#Context ⚠️ Context is an advanced and experimental feature. The API is likely to change in future releases. The rumours of its existence are true but be careful!


How do I animate things in React?

Is there declarative api for animations?

How can I animate Page Transitions?

What are some good repos to checkout for animation in React?

#SVG & React

How do I work with SVG's in React?

#Redux and Mobx

What's (Redux/Mobx)?

Do I need to use (Redux/Mobx)?

How to scale React-Redux apps?

#Add to an existing app

How do I start adding React to an existing app?

#CSS and React

What about styling things in React?

Are there any tools available to convert 'css' to 'CSS in JS'?


#Conference Videos

#Contributing to React JS

Where can I learn about Contributing to React JS?

#Universal React

#Deep Dive

#Video Courses

What are some good video resources/courses to learn React?


What about accessibility?

How do I handle A11y in React



Where can I get React training?

Micheal Jackson @mjackson & Ryan Florence @ryanflorence

*Brian Holt* @holtbt


Where can I find some good books about React?


A collection of links to help answer your questions about React.js