hardbap / firmata

A Ruby implementation of the Firmata protocol.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

require 'stringio'

shokai opened this issue · comments


when call Firmata::Board#connect, it raise error

uninitialized constant Firmata::Board::StringIO (NameError)

## require 'stringio'

this worked.

require 'rubygems'
require 'firmata'
require 'stringio'

arduino = Firmata::Board.new '/dev/tty.usbmodem621'

Thanks for the patch! There seems to be a difference between Ruby 1.9.2 (which you are using) and 1.9.3 (which I'm using) because there is no error with 1.9.3. I'll add a note that this lib targets 1.9.3.

Fixed in #9462d33.