happynear / AMSoftmax

A simple yet effective loss function for face verification.

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CASIA-Webface dataset download link

Yangel-hide opened this issue · comments

@happynear I can't get any download link about CASIA-Webface, neither cleaned CASIA Dataset nor dirty.
The official download link and Baiduyun links that I found on the Internet cannot be accessed now,Can you give me a download link, thank you!

@xisi789 Thank you very much!

链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1cZqvicKzp_O3KXgmHIwFIw 密码:e5br

could you share the link again? it is out of date. thanks!

The link seems to be dead, possible for anyone to share it again? Thanks.

@visionjo : Is this the washed up(cleaned) version or the original casia webface?
Thanks a lot in advance

hi, please could you share the link again? and thanks in advance.

Yes please share it if possible

Could you share the google drive link, please? Thanks.