hapijs / iron

Encapsulated tokens (encrypted and mac'ed objects)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bad hmac value - only in certain files

ZeroByter opened this issue · comments

Support plan

  • is this issue currently blocking your project? (yes/no): yes
  • is this issue affecting a production system? (yes/no): no


  • node version: 16.13.0
  • module version with issue: 6.0.0
  • last module version without issue: n/a
  • environment (e.g. node, browser, native): browser
  • used with (e.g. hapi application, another framework, standalone, ...): next.js
  • any other relevant information:

What are you trying to achieve or the steps to reproduce?

I am working on a NextJS website that uses Passport-Steam to authenticate users via the Steam platform.
Everything was working as expected until I tried to unseal the session token from inside a _middleware.js file.
The weird part about this bug is that the unseal function works fine in /api/ files, but no in the _middleware.js file.

The @hapi/iron code that I am using is based off this NextJS example

What was the result you got?

Code snippet of me getting the session data inside an API file

// /pages/api/steam/test.js
import { getLoginSession } from "../../../serverlib/auth"

export default async function handle(req, res){
    const session = await getLoginSession(req)


This above snippet works exactly as expected.

What result did you expect?

Code snippet of me getting the session data (using the exact same code and parameters!) inside an _middleware.js file

// /pages/admin/_middleware.js
import { NextResponse } from "next/server";
import { getLoginSession } from "../../serverlib/auth";

export async function middleware(req, ev) {
    const session = await getLoginSession(req)

    return NextResponse.next() //returning next just for debug purposes...

Above code returns an error: Bad hmac value.

What is this error? Why is it only occuring in _middleware.js despite using the exact same code and parameters as used in the API file (I double checked with console.logs, the parameters are identical)

This is not an issue with iron.

Note for the original poster, I use iron in https://github.com/vvo/iron-session/.
iron is not yet compatible with Next.js middleware because iron relies on timingSafeEqual which is not available in the webcrypto API.

You should continue the discussion here: vvo/iron-session#419