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Server scanning gums up CDAWeb server

jbfaden opened this issue · comments

The cron job which scans the HAPI servers for their info responses and compiles the data into searchable JSON files (https://github.com/hapi-server/servers/blob/master/index/makeGiantCatalog.jy) causes problems with the CDAWeb server. I caused problems for them yesterday when running it twice while I was making changes, and without any pauses in between calls. Bernie suggested any trivial pause is not going to fix the problem.

I've disabled this scan for now.

I've checked my code for closing connections and it looks okay. I'm stress testing it against my server now.

There may be a problem on my end. Whenever there is an exception, it appears that a socket is left open:

spot9> ls -lrt | grep socket | wc -l

I was briefly getting a problem with the following Autoplot script, where it looks like there's some issue with the spaces:

print downloadResourceAsTempFile(URL('https://jfaden.net/HapiServerDemo/hapi/info?id=Iowa City Forecast'),1000,monitor)

The problem was intermittent because I assumed the 1000 meant 1000ms, when it means 1000s. If I use instead:

setScriptDescription('''This was showing strange behavior with leaving things open''')
print downloadResourceAsTempFile(URL('https://jfaden.net/HapiServerDemo/hapi/info?id=Iowa City Forecast'),-1,monitor)

it will download once every 10 seconds and shows the problem. It also appears to be leaving the socket open:

spot9> lsof -i | grep java
java      480609  jbf   73u  IPv6 11138833      0t0  TCP ip6-localhost:39731 (LISTEN)
java      480609  jbf  357u  IPv6 11191057      0t0  TCP localhost:8008->localhost:44574 (ESTABLISHED)
java      480609  jbf  378u  IPv6 11210663      0t0  TCP *:8082 (LISTEN)
java      480609  jbf  469u  IPv6 11187129      0t0  TCP localhost:8008 (LISTEN)
java      484230  jbf    5u  IPv4 12435670      0t0  TCP *:11555 (LISTEN)
java      484230  jbf   50u  IPv6 11190903      0t0  TCP *:8084 (LISTEN)
java      484230  jbf   55u  IPv6 11190907      0t0  TCP *:8009 (LISTEN)
java      484230  jbf   77u  IPv6 11190915      0t0  TCP localhost:8025 (LISTEN)
java      969267  jbf   52u  IPv6 16987517      0t0  TCP spot9:56532->spot8:https (CLOSE_WAIT)
java      969267  jbf   54u  IPv6 17015320      0t0  TCP spot9:56534->spot8:https (CLOSE_WAIT)
java      969267  jbf   58u  IPv6 16985468      0t0  TCP spot9:56536->spot8:https (CLOSE_WAIT)
java      969267  jbf   59u  IPv6 16985471      0t0  TCP spot9:56538->spot8:https (CLOSE_WAIT)
java      969267  jbf   60u  IPv6 17015511      0t0  TCP spot9:56540->spot8:https (CLOSE_WAIT)

This has been resolved.