haorenW1025 / completion-treesitter

Treesitter source for completion-nvim and more

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Treesitter source and more for completion-nvim.

This is a basic completion source based on the treesitter api of neovim.


Install completion-nvim, and this plugin through your favorite package manager like this :

Plug 'haorenW1025/completion-nvim'
Plug 'vigoux/completion-treesitter'


Configure completion-nvim as you desire, you can use the ts source for lua, python and c filetypes, for example :

" Configure the completion chains
let g:completion_chain_complete_list = {
			\'default' : {
			\	'default' : [
			\		{'complete_items' : ['lsp', 'snippet']},
			\		{'mode' : 'file'}
			\	],
			\	'comment' : [],
			\	'string' : []
			\	},
			\'vim' : [
			\	{'complete_items': ['snippet']},
			\	{'mode' : 'cmd'}
			\	],
			\'c' : [
			\	{'complete_items': ['ts']}
			\	],
			\'python' : [
			\	{'complete_items': ['ts']}
			\	],
			\'lua' : [
			\	{'complete_items': ['ts']}
			\	],

" Use completion-nvim in every buffer
autocmd BufEnter * lua require'completion'.on_attach()

Open a buffer of a supported filetype and enjoy !

Usages and definition highlighting

If you go on any identifier, its usages and definition will be highlighted (based on CursorHold). By default, the word under cursor will not be highlighted, but you can enable this by :

" Highlight the node at point, its usages and definition when cursor holds
let g:complete_ts_highlight_at_point = 1

Text objects

An other thing is that the plugin provides two text objects :

  • grn an incrementally growing node (identifier, expression, line, ...)
  • grc incrementally growing contexts (if-else, for loop, function, ...)

Intelligent rename

With the cursor on an identifier type :call completion_treesitter#smart_rename()<CR> to start renaming it, its definition, and usages.


To start using tree-sitter-based folding, simply add the following to your init.vim :

set foldexpr=completion_treesitter#foldexpr()
set foldmethod=expr

As said in :h fold-expr, it could be slow in some cases. No benchmarks has been done though, and for regular usages, no delay has been observed.

Using parsers

To use a parser for one of the supported languages clone the parser sources (the python parser for example) :

git clone https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-python.git

Then compile it :

gcc -o parser.so -shared src/parser.c src/scanner.cc -I./src -lstdc++

An move it to neovim config files :

mv parser.so ~/.config/nvim/parser/{lang}.so

Where {lang} is the filetype corresponding to the parser's language (python in above example).

Examples usages

Some examples usages of the plugin, not only for completion. All of these functionnalities are available for all supported filetypes.

Incremental selection


Usage and definition highlighting


Intelligent rename


Adding new filetypes

For now, you should look the after/ftplugin/c.vim file, and tree-sitter documentation on queries. Feel free to open an issue if you need help, or open a PR if you don't.

If you find a bug in any filetype, or a weird behaviour, open an issue to describe how the behaviour differs from the expected one.

Current supported filetypes:

Filetype Parser
C Neovim builtin
Python tree-sitter-python
Lua tree-sitter-lua


The aim of the plugin is mainly to fiddle a bit with treesitter, and a nice way is completion, but there is many things we can do with it.

There is still some goals for the plugin:

  • As hackable as possible
  • As fast as possible


That's the ideas I had in mind at start, but feel free to suggest anything !

  • Completion
    • Basic
    • Suggest only symbol in current scope
    • Intelligent suggestions (based on types for examples)
    • Include file handling (:h include-search)
  • Text objects
    • Incremental selection grn
    • Current context grc
  • Refactoring helpers
    • Highlight identifiers at point
    • Find definition/declaration
    • "Intelligent" rename (completion_treesitter#smart_rename())
    • Folding (see :set foldexr=completion_treesitter#foldexpr() foldmethod=expr)
    • Signature help


Treesitter source for completion-nvim and more


Language:Lua 56.1%Language:Vim Script 43.9%