hansenc / pulsar-scratch

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mvn clean verify currently hangs due to the issue described below. It's probably easiest to run mvn clean package then debug FunctionIT from an IDE with some breakpoints set.

Issue description

Function seems to be created, but never called. pulsar-admin topics stats-internal shows messages consumed by the function, but pulsar-admin function stats shows no messages consumed.

However, if the function is triggered (via pulsar-admin functions trigger ...) before producing messages to the function's input, the function is called as expected. See com.github.hansenc.pulsar.FunctionIT.testWithTrigger and com.github.hansenc.pulsar.FunctionIT.testWithoutTrigger.

Example output (gathered while FunctionIT hangs):

root@6723490da207:/# /pulsar/bin/pulsar-admin topics stats-internal persistent://public/default/test-input
  "entriesAddedCounter" : 3,
  "numberOfEntries" : 3,
  "totalSize" : 200,
  "currentLedgerEntries" : 3,
  "currentLedgerSize" : 200,
  "lastLedgerCreatedTimestamp" : "2020-07-31T23:36:25.319Z",
  "waitingCursorsCount" : 1,
  "pendingAddEntriesCount" : 0,
  "lastConfirmedEntry" : "12:2",
  "state" : "LedgerOpened",
  "ledgers" : [ {
    "ledgerId" : 12,
    "entries" : 0,
    "size" : 0,
    "offloaded" : false
  } ],
  "cursors" : {
    "public%2Fdefault%2FExclamationFunction" : {
      "markDeletePosition" : "12:2",
      "readPosition" : "12:3",
      "waitingReadOp" : true,
      "pendingReadOps" : 0,
      "messagesConsumedCounter" : 3,
      "cursorLedger" : 17,
      "cursorLedgerLastEntry" : 0,
      "individuallyDeletedMessages" : "[]",
      "lastLedgerSwitchTimestamp" : "2020-07-31T23:36:32.386Z",
      "state" : "Open",
      "numberOfEntriesSinceFirstNotAckedMessage" : 1,
      "totalNonContiguousDeletedMessagesRange" : 0,
      "properties" : { }
^[broot@6723490da207:/# /pulsar/bin/pulsar-admin functions stats --name ExclamationFunction
  "receivedTotal" : 0,
  "processedSuccessfullyTotal" : 0,
  "systemExceptionsTotal" : 0,
  "userExceptionsTotal" : 0,
  "avgProcessLatency" : null,
  "1min" : {
    "receivedTotal" : 0,
    "processedSuccessfullyTotal" : 0,
    "systemExceptionsTotal" : 0,
    "userExceptionsTotal" : 0,
    "avgProcessLatency" : null
  "lastInvocation" : null,
  "instances" : [ {
    "instanceId" : 0,
    "metrics" : {
      "receivedTotal" : 0,
      "processedSuccessfullyTotal" : 0,
      "systemExceptionsTotal" : 0,
      "userExceptionsTotal" : 0,
      "avgProcessLatency" : null,
      "1min" : {
        "receivedTotal" : 0,
        "processedSuccessfullyTotal" : 0,
        "systemExceptionsTotal" : 0,
        "userExceptionsTotal" : 0,
        "avgProcessLatency" : null
      "lastInvocation" : null,
      "userMetrics" : { }
  } ]



Language:Java 100.0%