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Regex example produces "Use of Nil in string context" exception.

daph opened this issue · comments

Going through the regex section, I follow along with the example, however, upon running the example I get

Use of Nil in string context
  in block <unit> at e.pl6 line 5
 is a valid email

I get his is with code copied straight out of the the book:

[ daph@archbox ~/perl6]% cat e.pl6 
my $email = 'john.doe@perl6.org';
my $regex = / <:L>+\.<:L>+\@<:L+:N>+\.<:L>+ /;

if $email ~~ $regex {
  say $/ ~ " is a valid email";
} else {
  say "This is not a valid email";

My perl6 is rakudo-star 2016.10

Rakudo-star 2016.10 has a bug related to regex.
When you smartmatch against a regex stored variable, it returns Bool and doesn't generate a Match instance:

  • 2016.10
$ perl6 -e 'my $a = rx/a/; ("a" ~~ $a).say; say $/;' 
  • latest version( Rakudo version 2016.10-295-g85c7072 )
$ perl6 -e 'my $a = rx/a/; ("a" ~~ $a).say; say $/;'

The above bug was already fixed and tested here:

So, could you install the latest Rakudo with rakudobrew and try it again ?

Yup. It works with the latest rakudo. Thanks for the help.