handsontable / hot-builder

CLI tool for building custom Handsontable package

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Module zeroclipboard not found

opened this issue · comments

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here.

"hot-builder": "0.4.1"

If I follow the directions and run...

npm install -g hot-builder
hot-builder build -o dist/handsontable

I get Module zeroclipboard not found and that's the end of it.

I've tried npm install -S zeroclipboard just for kicks, but nothing seems to work.

Any ideas? The only reason I'm using hot-builder is because when I try to run browserify across the manually-downloaded handsontable.js I get this error:

import './shims/classes';
ParseError: 'import' and 'export' may appear only with 'sourceType: module'

I just want to use this tool!

Which version of npm and node do you use?


Sorry, too early: node 4.2.1, npm 3.3.6.

Confirm, there is a bug. Tested in npm@1, npm@2 and npm@3.

Hi again, We released yesterday new version of Handsontable which should resolve hot-builder problems. Can you remove hot-builder (npm uninstall hot-builder -g) and add it again? After that everything should be working fine.

For what it's worth, this may have recurred. I'm working with support currently on the matter, but am marking it here as well for the interwebs.