handsontable / handsontable

JavaScript data grid with a spreadsheet look & feel. Works with React, Angular, and Vue. Supported by the Handsontable team ⚡

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[Bug]: Vue3 project build / preview with vite, Date cell type throws exception

colcat opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

  1. A simple vue3 project with only one simple handsontable component in one single page
  2. build or preview with vite 5.0
  3. Click on the Date cell.
  4. Handsontable throws exception: n.isMoment is not a function.

It seems the bug is related to moment.js component.



Provide a link to the demo with the bug reproduction

No response

Handsontable version


Framework version

Vue 3.3.11, vite 5.0.10, moment 2.29.4

Your environment

Google Chrome 120.0

Thank you for sharing the issue report @colcat

We have reported the same issue case but for React. I will inform the team that the same happens for Vue.

I will inform you as soon as we fix it.

@AMBudnik Thanks a lot.

For now, I just fix the problem by locating the o.isMoment(I), and changing it to o(I) after building.

It did work for now.



Could you please fix this bug? It's causing me trouble as well

Hi @tomoki-takahashi-oisix

Apparently, this issue was solved in Handsontable 14.1.0. Please confirm if the problem is gone on your side with this version.