handsomecode / InteractiveSideMenu

iOS Interactive Side Menu written in Swift.

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How can i pop to rootview ? is there Support for navigationcontroller ?

ketulbshah opened this issue · comments

I have sign out button in side menu. when i click this button i want to pop to root view. How i can do this ?Kindly support asap.

Thank you.

Hi, @ketulbshah
Could you add more details about your specific case?

In details : What i want to is "like in normal application, first we open Login page then after signin we open side menu... and on signout button, again want to pop at rootview. ...

I got solution...i have to dismiss menu then i have to call poptorootview for go to rootview of navigation

self.dismiss(animated: false, completion: nil)
_ = self.nav?.popToRootViewController(animated: true)

@ketulbshah Thanks for sharing specific details and describing your solution!

So feel free send us pull requests with improvements! 😉