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Expand default set of Sequel extensions

timriley opened this issue · comments

@timriley What did you have in mind here? This definitely needs to be db-specific.

General extensions I use:

  • connection_validator for our k8s readiness probes
  • error_sql adds current SQL query to exceptions for diagnosis

PostgreSQL extensions:

  • pg_array supports array types
  • pg_json supports json/jsonb types

It also needs to be possible to add to this through configuration for app-specific things (relevant to #1389). I use new_relic_instrumentation for APM and I wrote a ksuid extension for KSUID identifiers.

I know this is for Sequel extensions, but as far as ROM extensions go, but I think timestamps would good to include by default since users will expect that to just work.

Then possibly include auto_restrictions and pagination as commented out in the configuration? It'd be nice if we can add a docs page listing all the most popular Sequel & ROM extensions.

@cllns that is a good callout, although might relate more to #1389 or deserve its own issue.

The DIY approach ROM takes to timestamps is a poor user experience for something people take for granted coming from Rails. We should have turnkey support for this.

@alassek So yep, I think we'll want some way to provide a set of defaults that is specific (a) per adapter, and (b) in the case of sql, per database type.

Users should be able to add their own extensions to this default set in a simple way.

Users should also be able to clear the default set for their given adapter/database type, if they want to exercise full control.

Is that enough for you to have a go at this? I think this is the kind of thing where the ideal solution will become clearer after having a few runs at it in code, so getting even something down would be a good start for us :)

FWIW, is use the uuid-ossp extension for UUID generation, and the pg_trgm extension to provide trigram functions I use to improve full-text search.