hammerjs / hammer.js

A javascript library for multi-touch gestures :// You can touch this

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Out of NgZone and can't bind data in latest angular version.

mayankkataria opened this issue · comments

I'm sliding on screen and getting x coordinate with hammerjs and on same time I'm trying to view the value of x on HTML template through data binding. As I slide, the value of x is changing in console but that value is not shown on HTML view. The value of x (on HTML view) is changed only when I stop sliding and touch the screen again.


<ion-content id="ion-content">
    x: {{x}}


const ionContent = document.getElementById('ion-content');
const mc = new Hammer.Manager(ionContent);
const pan = new Hammer.Pan();
mc.get('pan').set({enable: true});
mc.on('pan', ev => {
  this.x = ev.center.x;
  console.log('x: ', this.x);

Note: I'm facing this issue in latest version of ionic-angular (in android using capacitor plugin)