hamelsmu / code_search

Code For Medium Article: "How To Create Natural Language Semantic Search for Arbitrary Objects With Deep Learning"

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NameError: name 'LanguageModelData' is not defined

ssurananitish opened this issue · comments


Hi, I am trying to do run this set of notebooks that are provided. I was able to preprocess the data successfully, but when I try to run the third notebook : "3 - Train Language Model Using FastAI", I get the following error: -

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-11-a18631c71446> in <module>
     12                                                   cycle_mult=2,
     13                                                   bs = 32,
---> 14                                                   wd = 1e-6)
     16 elif use_cache:

D:\code_search-github\lang_model_utils.py in train_lang_model(model_path, trn_indexed, val_indexed, vocab_size, lr, n_cycle, cycle_len, cycle_mult, em_sz, nh, nl, bptt, wd, bs)
    192     # create lang model data
--> 193     md = LanguageModelData(mpath, 1, vocab_size, trn_dl, val_dl, bs=bs, bptt=bptt)
    195     # build learner

NameError: name 'LanguageModelData' is not defined

In one of the issues at the FastAI repository I read that 'LanguageModelData' was replaced by 'TextLMDataBunch'. I have tried using that but didn't get any success.

How should I proceed forward so that I can run this notebook properly?

Python-Version - 3.6.8
Cuda-Version - 10.0
FastAI-Version - 1.0

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Try uninstalling your fastai library and use the one provided in this repository.

Yes, @ssurananitish you are using a different version of pytorch which is causing problems. Please use the one in this repository