hamelsmu / code_search

Code For Medium Article: "How To Create Natural Language Semantic Search for Arbitrary Objects With Deep Learning"

Home Page:https://medium.com/@hamelhusain/semantic-code-search-3cd6d244a39c

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Questions on how to use GAN in your article

zhaoyiCC opened this issue · comments

Hi, Hamel. I’m an undergraduate student in a Chinese university, and I’m currently doing a project(actually my graduation project) on code generation. I have read your article Semantic Search on towardsdatascience.com which inspires me lot. I’m wondering the paragraph in your article “It should be noted that training a seq2seq model to summarize code is not the only technique you can use to build a feature extractor for code. For example, you could also train a GAN and use the discriminator as a feature extractor.

I feel confused about how to do this work on GAN because I feel there exist many difficulties so can you give me some specific advice or reference papers on how to do code search by GAN?

I have also read some other papers such as DeepCodeSearch(published on ICSE’ 18) by XiaoDong Gu, a HKUST professor. Their work is mainly on joint embedding and got good results on java code generation. Their work seems a little different with yours but also have good experimental results.

What’s more, I want to reproduce your work on pytorch. And I really hope I can get ideal results.
