halogenandtoast / alchemist

A scientific conversion library.

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Relative units

waiting-for-dev opened this issue · comments

Sometimes to convert a unit to another one you need a third value. What I have in mind is CSS units. For example, if you want to convert inch to em you need to provide the relevant font size. I don't have any other use case in mind, but surely there are.

Do you have in mind to allow relative units in alchemist? I have taken a quick look at how your library works, and maybe for relative units something like that could be implemented:

Alchemist.register :distance, [:em] do |value, relevant_font_size|


What do you think about it? Would you accept a pull request with it? (I'm not sure I would do it, I'm looking at others gems, too, and I haven't decided yet which one to use)

Thanks a lot. This gems seems really easy to use.

I would be willing to add in the functionality to do what you want. I'm not sure about the syntax though. I want to give it some thought.

I saw you opened a branch. I'm not sure how I'd go about doing this. Since this isn't a "solvable" issue. I'm going to close this, but I'm still open for discussion and would be happy to reopen once a syntax was nailed down.

Yeah, but right now I'm not having the time. If I take it again I'll tell you and discuss about the syntax. Thanks a lot.