hallard / LibTeleinfo

Librairie Universelle Teleinformation (TIC)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

example for valueGet

mutricyl opened this issue · comments

Hello is it possible to add an example of valueGet function usage ? I would like to make a graph of one specific value comming from teleinformation.

You can check the Tasmota source code, an example here

By the way it's easy, you pass the Label you want to search the value for

You prepare buffer to receive value and it will be filled with value (if it exists) in str format

    char value[17]="";

    // Get value of label name
    if ( tinfo.valueGet("PAPP", value) ) {
        int puissance = atoi (value);
        Serial.printf_P(PSTR("Puissance:%dW    str:%s\r\n"), puissance, value);
    // You can use PSTR format also
    if ( tinfo.valueGet_P(PSTR("IINST"), value) ) {
        Serial.printf_P(PSTR("Intensité nombre:%d    str:%s\r\n"), atoi(value), value);