halirutan / Wolfram-Language-IntelliJ-Plugin-Archive

Wolfram Language and Mathematica plugin for IntelliJ IDEA.

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Wishlist: Structured selection expansion

JonMcLoone opened this issue · comments

Only feature I miss, so far moving from Eclipse....

Grow the selection using multiple clicks (ideally) or keystroke, in a Mathematica-valid and precidence respecting way.

eg Multiclick on b in Total[{1,Sin[abc]}]
1 click cusor inserted
2 clicks abc selected
3 clicks Sin[abc] selected
4 {1,Sin[abc]} selected
5 whole expression selected

Right now the first two clicks give the same behavior, but the third selects the line, and 4+ have no effect, even if the line is within a larger expression.

Just in case you were not aware of the keyboard shortcut for this: Option-Up does it on macOS. (I'm not sure if it's possible with mouse clicks.)

EDIT: It's in Edit -> Extend Selection. You can check what is the shortcut key on your system in the menu.

On Windows this unfortunately is Ctrl+w, RIP countless notebooks after switching to the FrontEnd :)

Closing as RTM - thanks

On Windows this unfortunately is Ctrl+w, RIP countless notebooks after switching to the FrontEnd :)

Ctrl-W is a weird choice, as it's a standard shortcut to close windows ...

You can reconfigure it to be Ctrl-. to be consistent with Mathematica.