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List of API's for gathering information about phone numbers, addresses, domains etc

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This is a Collection of APIs that will be useful for automating various tasks in OSINT.

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Instruction for total beginners: OSINT automation: using сustom functions for working with API requests in Google Sheets

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Table of contents

Phone Number Lookup and Verification

Name Link Description Price
Numverify https://numverify.com Global Phone Number Validation & Lookup JSON API. Supports 232 countries. 250 requests FREE
Twillo https://www.twilio.com/docs/lookup/api Provides a way to retrieve additional information about a phone number Free or $0.01 per request (for caller lookup)
Plivo https://www.plivo.com/lookup/ Determine carrier, number type, format, and country for any phone number worldwide from $0.04 per request
GetContact https://github.com/kovinevmv/getcontact Find info about user by phone number from $6,89 in months/100 requests
Veriphone https://veriphone.io/ Phone number validation & carrier lookup 1000 requests/month FREE

Address/ZIP codes lookup

Name Link Description Price
Global Address https://rapidapi.com/adminMelissa/api/global-address/ Easily verify, check or lookup address FREE
US Street Address https://smartystreets.com/docs/cloud/us-street-api Validate and append data for any US postal address FREE
Google Maps Geocoding API https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/overview convert addresses (like "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA") into geographic coordinates 0.005 USD per request
Postcoder https://postcoder.com/address-lookup Find adress by postcode £130/5000 requests
Zipcodebase https://zipcodebase.com Lookup postal codes, calculate distances and much more 5000 requests FREE
Openweathermap geocoding API https://openweathermap.org/api/geocoding-api get geographical coordinates (lat, lon) by using name of the location (city name or area name) 60 calls/minute 1,000,000 calls/month
DistanceMatrix https://distancematrix.ai/product Calculate, evaluate and plan your routes $1.25-$2 per 1000 elements
Geotagging API https://geotagging.ai/ Predict geolocations by texts Freemium

People and documents verification

Name Link Description Price
Approuve.com https://appruve.co Allows you to verify the identities of individuals, businesses, and connect to financial account data across Africa Paid
Onfido.com https://onfido.com Onfido Document Verification lets your users scan a photo ID from any device, before checking it's genuine. Combined with Biometric Verification, it's a seamless way to anchor an account to the real identity of a customer. India Paid
Superpass.io https://surepass.io/passport-id-verification-api/ Passport, Photo ID and Driver License Verification in India Paid

Business/Entity search

Name Link Description Price
Open corporates https://api.opencorporates.com Companies information Paid, price upon request
Linkedin company search API https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/marketing/integrations/community-management/organizations/company-search?context=linkedin%2Fcompliance%2Fcontext&tabs=http Find companies using keywords, industry, location, and other criteria FREE
Mattermark https://rapidapi.com/raygorodskij/api/Mattermark/ Get companies and investor information free 14-day trial, from $49 per month

Domain/DNS/IP lookup

Name Link Description Price
API OSINT DS https://github.com/davidonzo/apiosintDS Collect info about IPv4/FQDN/URLs and file hashes in md5, sha1 or sha256 FREE
InfoDB API https://www.ipinfodb.com/api The API returns the location of an IP address (country, region, city, zipcode, latitude, longitude) and the associated timezone in XML, JSON or plain text format FREE
Domainsdb.info https://domainsdb.info Registered Domain Names Search FREE
BGPView https://bgpview.docs.apiary.io/# allowing consumers to view all sort of analytics data about the current state and structure of the internet FREE
DNSCheck https://www.dnscheck.co/api monitor the status of both individual DNS records and groups of related DNS records up to 10 DNS records/FREE
Cloudflare Trace https://github.com/fawazahmed0/cloudflare-trace-api Get IP Address, Timestamp, User Agent, Country Code, IATA, HTTP Version, TLS/SSL Version & More FREE
Host.io https://host.io/ Get info about domain FREE

Mobile Apps Endpoints

Name Link Description Price
BeVigil OSINT API https://bevigil.com/osint-api provides access to millions of asset footprint data points including domain intel, cloud services, API information, and third party assets extracted from millions of mobile apps being continuously uploaded and scanned by users on bevigil.com 50 credits free/1000 credits/$50


Name Link Description Price
WebScraping.AI https://webscraping.ai/ Web Scraping API with built-in proxies and JS rendering FREE
ZenRows https://www.zenrows.com/ Web Scraping API that bypasses anti-bot solutions while offering JS rendering, and rotating proxies apiKey Yes Unknown FREE


Name Link Description Price
Whois freaks https://whoisfreaks.com/ well-parsed and structured domain WHOIS data for all domain names, registrars, countries and TLDs since the birth of internet $19/5000 requests
WhoisXMLApi https://whois.whoisxmlapi.com gathers a variety of domain ownership and registration data points from a comprehensive WHOIS database 500 requests in month/FREE
IPtoWhois https://www.ip2whois.com/developers-api Get detailed info about a domain 500 requests/month FREE


Name Link Description Price
Ipstack https://ipstack.com Detect country, region, city and zip code FREE
Ipgeolocation.io https://ipgeolocation.io provides country, city, state, province, local currency, latitude and longitude, company detail, ISP lookup, language, zip code, country calling code, time zone, current time, sunset and sunrise time, moonset and moonrise 30 000 requests per month/FREE
IPInfoDB https://ipinfodb.com/api Free Geolocation tools and APIs for country, region, city and time zone lookup by IP address FREE
IP API https://ip-api.com/ Free domain/IP geolocation info FREE

Wi-fi lookup

Name Link Description Price
Mylnikov API https://www.mylnikov.org public API implementation of Wi-Fi Geo-Location database FREE
Wigle https://api.wigle.net/ get location and other information by SSID FREE


Name Link Description Price
PeetingDB https://www.peeringdb.com/apidocs/ Database of networks, and the go-to location for interconnection data FREE
PacketTotal https://packettotal.com/api.html .pcap files analyze FREE


Name Link Description Price
Binlist.net https://binlist.net/ get information about bank by BIN FREE
FDIC Bank Data API https://banks.data.fdic.gov/docs/ institutions, locations and history events FREE
Amdoren https://www.amdoren.com/currency-api/ Free currency API with over 150 currencies FREE
VATComply.com https://www.vatcomply.com/documentation Exchange rates, geolocation and VAT number validation FREE
Alpaca https://alpaca.markets/docs/api-documentation/api-v2/market-data/alpaca-data-api-v2/ Realtime and historical market data on all US equities and ETFs FREE
Swiftcodesapi https://swiftcodesapi.com Verifying the validity of a bank SWIFT code or IBAN account number $39 per month/4000 swift lookups
IBANAPI https://ibanapi.com Validate IBAN number and get bank account information from it Freemium/10$ Starter plan


Name Link Description Price
EVA https://eva.pingutil.com/ Measuring email deliverability & quality FREE
Mailboxlayer https://mailboxlayer.com/ Simple REST API measuring email deliverability & quality 100 requests FREE, 5000 requests in month — $14.49
EmailCrawlr https://emailcrawlr.com/ Get key information about company websites. Find all email addresses associated with a domain. Get social accounts associated with an email. Verify email address deliverability. 200 requests FREE, 5000 requets — $40
Voila Norbert https://www.voilanorbert.com/api/ Find anyone's email address and ensure your emails reach real people from $49 in month
Kickbox https://open.kickbox.com/ Email verification API FREE
FachaAPI https://api.facha.dev/ Allows checking if an email domain is a temporary email domain FREE


Name Link Description Price
Genderize.io https://genderize.io Instantly answers the question of how likely a certain name is to be male or female and shows the popularity of the name. 1000 names/day free
Agify.io https://agify.io Predicts the age of a person given their name 1000 names/day free
Nataonalize.io https://nationalize.io Predicts the nationality of a person given their name 1000 names/day free


Name Link Description Price
HaveIBeenPwned https://haveibeenpwned.com/API/v3 allows the list of pwned accounts (email addresses and usernames) $3.50 per month
Psdmp.ws https://psbdmp.ws/api search in Pastebin $9.95 per 10000 requests
LeakPeek https://psbdmp.ws/api searc in leaks databases $9.99 per 4 weeks unlimited access
BreachDirectory.com https://breachdirectory.com/api?lang=en search domain in data breaches databases FREE
LeekLookup https://leak-lookup.com/api search domain, email_address, fullname, ip address, phone, password, username in leaks databases 10 requests FREE
BreachDirectory.org https://rapidapi.com/rohan-patra/api/breachdirectory/pricing search domain, email_address, fullname, ip address, phone, password, username in leaks databases (possible to view password hashes) 50 requests in month/FREE


Name Link Description Price
Wayback Machine API (Memento API, CDX Server API, Wayback Availability JSON API) https://archive.org/help/wayback_api.php Retrieve information about Wayback capture data FREE
TROVE (Australian Web Archive) API https://trove.nla.gov.au/about/create-something/using-api Retrieve information about TROVE capture data FREE
Archive-it API https://support.archive-it.org/hc/en-us/articles/115001790023-Access-Archive-It-s-Wayback-index-with-the-CDX-C-API Retrieve information about archive-it capture data FREE
UK Web Archive API https://ukwa-manage.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#api-reference Retrieve information about UK Web Archive capture data FREE
Arquivo.pt API https://github.com/arquivo/pwa-technologies/wiki/Arquivo.pt-API Allows full-text search and access preserved web content and related metadata. It is also possible to search by URL, accessing all versions of preserved web content.
API returns a JSON object. FREE
Library Of Congress archive API https://www.loc.gov/apis/ Provides structured data about Library of Congress collections FREE
BotsArchive https://botsarchive.com/docs.html JSON formatted details about Telegram Bots available in database FREE

Hashes decrypt/encrypt

Name Link Description Price
MD5 Decrypt https://md5decrypt.net/en/Api/ Search for decrypted hashes in the database 1.99 EURO/day


Name Link Description Price
BTC.com https://btc.com/btc/adapter?type=api-doc get information about addresses and transanctions FREE
Blockchair https://blockchair.com Explore data stored on 17 blockchains (BTC, ETH, Cardano, Ripple etc) $0.33 - $1 per 1000 calls
Bitcointabyse https://www.bitcoinabuse.com/api-docs Lookup bitcoin addresses that have been linked to criminal activity FREE
Bitcoinwhoswho https://www.bitcoinwhoswho.com/api Scam reports on the Bitcoin Address FREE
Etherscan https://etherscan.io/apis Ethereum explorer API FREE
apilayer coinlayer https://coinlayer.com Real-time Crypto Currency Exchange Rates FREE
BlockFacts https://blockfacts.io/ Real-time crypto data from multiple exchanges via a single unified API, and much more FREE
Brave NewCoin https://bravenewcoin.com/developers Real-time and historic crypto data from more than 200+ exchanges FREE
WorldCoinIndex https://www.worldcoinindex.com/apiservice Cryptocurrencies Prices FREE
WalletLabels https://www.walletlabels.xyz/docs Labels for 7,5 million Ethereum wallets FREE

IOT/IP Search engines

Name Link Description Price
Shodan https://developer.shodan.io Search engine for Internet connected host and devices from $59/month
Fofa.so https://fofa.so/static_pages/api_help Search engine for Internet connected host and devices ???
Censys.io https://censys.io/api Search engine for Internet connected host and devices Partly FREE
Hunter.how https://hunter.how/search-api Search engine for Internet connected host and devices Partly FREE
Netlas.io https://netlas-api.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ Search engine for Internet connected host and devices Partly FREE
Fullhunt.io https://api-docs.fullhunt.io/#introduction Search engine for Internet connected host and devices Partly FREE


Name Link Description Price
VirusTotal https://developers.virustotal.com/reference files and urls analyze Public API is FREE
AbuseLPDB https://docs.abuseipdb.com/#introduction IP/domain/URL reputation FREE
AlienVault Open Threat Exchange (OTX) https://otx.alienvault.com/api IP/domain/URL reputation FREE
Phisherman https://phisherman.gg IP/domain/URL reputation FREE
URLScan.io https://urlscan.io/about-api/ Scan and Analyse URLs FREE
Web of Thrust https://support.mywot.com/hc/en-us/sections/360004477734-API- IP/domain/URL reputation FREE
Threat Jammer https://threatjammer.com/docs/introduction-threat-jammer-user-api IP/domain/URL reputation ???

Face Search

Name Link Description Price
Search4faces https://search4faces.com/api.html Detect and locate human faces within an image, and returns high-precision face bounding boxes. Face⁺⁺ also allows you to store metadata of each detected face for future use. $21 per 1000 requests

Face Detection

Name Link Description Price
Face++ https://www.faceplusplus.com/face-detection/ Search for people in social networks by facial image from 0.03 per call
BetaFace https://www.betafaceapi.com/wpa/ Can scan uploaded image files or image URLs, find faces and analyze them. API also provides verification (faces comparison) and identification (faces search) services, as well able to maintain multiple user-defined recognition databases (namespaces) 50 image per day FREE/from 0.15 EUR per request

Social Media and Messengers

Name Link Description Price
Twitch https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/v5/reference
YouTube Data API https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3
Reddit https://www.reddit.com/dev/api/
Vkontakte https://vk.com/dev/methods
Twitter API https://developer.twitter.com/en
Linkedin API https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/
All Facebook and Instagram API https://developers.facebook.com/docs/
Whatsapp Business API https://www.whatsapp.com/business/api
Telegram and Telegram Bot API https://core.telegram.org
Weibo API https://open.weibo.com/wiki/API文档/en
XING https://dev.xing.com/partners/job_integration/api_docs
Viber https://developers.viber.com/docs/api/rest-bot-api/
Dicord https://discord.com/developers/docs
Odnoklassniki https://ok.ru/apiok
Blogger https://developers.google.com/blogger/ The Blogger APIs allows client applications to view and update Blogger content FREE
Disqus https://disqus.com/api/docs/auth/ Communicate with Disqus data FREE
Foursquare https://developer.foursquare.com/ Interact with Foursquare users and places (geolocation-based checkins, photos, tips, events, etc) FREE
HackerNews https://github.com/HackerNews/API Social news for CS and entrepreneurship FREE
Kakao https://developers.kakao.com/ Kakao Login, Share on KakaoTalk, Social Plugins and more FREE
Line https://developers.line.biz/ Line Login, Share on Line, Social Plugins and more FREE
TikTok https://developers.tiktok.com/doc/login-kit-web Fetches user info and user's video posts on TikTok platform FREE
Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/docs/en/api/v2 Read and write Tumblr Data FREE


!WARNING Use with caution! Accounts may be blocked permanently for using unofficial APIs.

Name Link Description Price
TikTok https://github.com/davidteather/TikTok-Api The Unofficial TikTok API Wrapper In Python FREE
Google Trends https://github.com/suryasev/unofficial-google-trends-api Unofficial Google Trends API FREE
YouTube Music https://github.com/sigma67/ytmusicapi Unofficial APi for YouTube Music FREE
Duolingo https://github.com/KartikTalwar/Duolingo Duolingo unofficial API (can gather info about users) FREE
Steam. https://github.com/smiley/steamapi An unofficial object-oriented Python library for accessing the Steam Web API. FREE
Instagram https://github.com/ping/instagram_private_api Instagram Private API FREE
Discord https://github.com/discordjs/discord.js JavaScript library for interacting with the Discord API FREE
Zhihu https://github.com/syaning/zhihu-api FREE Unofficial API for Zhihu FREE
Quora https://github.com/csu/quora-api Unofficial API for Quora FREE
DnsDumbster https://github.com/PaulSec/API-dnsdumpster.com (Unofficial) Python API for DnsDumbster FREE
PornHub https://github.com/sskender/pornhub-api Unofficial API for PornHub in Python FREE
Skype https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/skyweb Unofficial Skype API for nodejs via 'Skype (HTTP)' protocol. FREE
Google Search https://github.com/aviaryan/python-gsearch Google Search unofficial API for Python with no external dependencies FREE
Airbnb https://github.com/nderkach/airbnb-python Python wrapper around the Airbnb API (unofficial) FREE
Medium https://github.com/enginebai/PyMedium Unofficial Medium Python Flask API and SDK FREE
Facebook https://github.com/davidyen1124/Facebot Powerful unofficial Facebook API FREE
Linkedin https://github.com/tomquirk/linkedin-api Unofficial Linkedin API for Python FREE

Search Engines

Name Link Description Price
Google Custom Search JSON API https://developers.google.com/custom-search/v1/overview Search in Google 100 requests FREE
Serpstack https://serpstack.com/ Google search results to JSON FREE
Serpapi https://serpapi.com Google, Baidu, Yandex, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, Bint and many others search results $50/5000 searches/month
Bing Web Search API https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/bing/apis/bing-web-search-api Search in Bing (+instant answers and location) 1000 transactions per month FREE
WolframAlpha API https://products.wolframalpha.com/api/pricing/ Short answers, conversations, calculators and many more from $25 per 1000 queries
DuckDuckgo Instant Answers API https://duckduckgo.com/api An API for some of our Instant Answers, not for full search results. FREE

| Memex Marginalia | https://memex.marginalia.nu/projects/edge/api.gmi | An API for new privacy search engine | FREE |

News analyze

Name Link Description Price
MediaStack https://mediastack.com/ News articles search results in JSON 500 requests/month FREE


Name Link Description Price
Darksearch.io https://darksearch.io/apidoc search by websites in .onion zone FREE

Torrents/file sharing

Name Link Description Price
Jackett https://github.com/Jackett/Jackett API for automate searching in different torrent trackers FREE
Torrents API PY https://github.com/Jackett/Jackett Unofficial API for 1337x, Piratebay, Nyaasi, Torlock, Torrent Galaxy, Zooqle, Kickass, Bitsearch, MagnetDL,Libgen, YTS, Limetorrent, TorrentFunk, Glodls, Torre FREE
Torrent Search API https://github.com/Jackett/Jackett API for Torrent Search Engine with Extratorrents, Piratebay, and ISOhunt 500 queries/day FREE
Torrent search api https://github.com/JimmyLaurent/torrent-search-api Yet another node torrent scraper (supports iptorrents, torrentleech, torrent9, torrentz2, 1337x, thepiratebay, Yggtorrent, TorrentProject, Eztv, Yts, LimeTorrents) FREE
Torrentinim https://github.com/sergiotapia/torrentinim Very low memory-footprint, self hosted API-only torrent search engine. Sonarr + Radarr Compatible, native support for Linux, Mac and Windows. FREE


Name Link Description Price
Aviation Stack https://aviationstack.com get information about flights, aircrafts and airlines FREE
OpenSky Network https://opensky-network.org/apidoc/index.html Free real-time ADS-B aviation data FREE
AviationAPI https://docs.aviationapi.com/ FAA Aeronautical Charts and Publications, Airport Information, and Airport Weather FREE
FachaAPI https://api.facha.dev Aircraft details and live positioning API FREE


Name Link Description Price
Windy Webcams API https://api.windy.com/webcams/docs Get a list of available webcams for a country, city or geographical coordinates FREE with limits or 9990 euro without limits


Name Link Description Price
Autoregex https://autoregex.notion.site/AutoRegex-API-Documentation-97256bad2c114a6db0c5822860214d3a Convert English phrase to regular expression from $3.49/month

API testing tools

Name Link
API Guessr (detect API by auth key or by token) https://api-guesser.netlify.app/
REQBIN Online REST & SOAP API Testing Tool https://reqbin.com
ExtendClass Online REST Client https://extendsclass.com/rest-client-online.html
Codebeatify.org Online API Test https://codebeautify.org/api-test
SyncWith Google Sheet add-on. Link more than 1000 APIs with Spreadsheet https://workspace.google.com/u/0/marketplace/app/syncwith_crypto_binance_coingecko_airbox/449644239211?hl=ru&pann=sheets_addon_widget
Talend API Tester Google Chrome Extension https://workspace.google.com/u/0/marketplace/app/syncwith_crypto_binance_coingecko_airbox/449644239211?hl=ru&pann=sheets_addon_widget
Michael Bazzel APIs search tools https://inteltechniques.com/tools/API.html

Curl converters (tools that help to write code using API queries)

Name Link
Convert curl commands to Python, JavaScript, PHP, R, Go, C#, Ruby, Rust, Elixir, Java, MATLAB, Dart, CFML, Ansible URI or JSON https://curlconverter.com
Curl-to-PHP. Instantly convert curl commands to PHP code https://incarnate.github.io/curl-to-php/
Curl to PHP online (Codebeatify) https://codebeautify.org/curl-to-php-online
Curl to JavaScript fetch https://kigiri.github.io/fetch/
Curl to JavaScript fetch (Scrapingbee) https://www.scrapingbee.com/curl-converter/javascript-fetch/
Curl to C# converter https://curl.olsh.me

Create your own API

Name Link
Sheety. Create API frome GOOGLE SHEET https://sheety.co/
Postman. Platform for creating your own API https://www.postman.com
Reetoo. Rest API Generator https://retool.com/api-generator/
Beeceptor. Rest API mocking and intercepting in seconds (no coding). https://beeceptor.com

Distribute your own API

Name Link
RapidAPI. Market your API for millions of developers https://rapidapi.com/solution/api-provider/
Apilayer. API Marketplace https://apilayer.com

API Keys Info

Name Link Description
Keyhacks https://github.com/streaak/keyhacks Keyhacks is a repository which shows quick ways in which API keys leaked by a bug bounty program can be checked to see if they're valid.
All about APIKey https://github.com/daffainfo/all-about-apikey Detailed information about API key / OAuth token for different services (Description, Request, Response, Regex, Example)
API Guessr https://api-guesser.netlify.app/ Enter API Key and and find out which service they belong to


Contributions are always welcome! Please read the contribution guidelines first.



cc license

This work is licensed under a CC0 1.0 Universal license.


List of API's for gathering information about phone numbers, addresses, domains etc

License:Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal