hakehuang / TwisterV2

Prototyping Twister v2

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

twister v2


Installation from the source:

pip install .

Build wheel package:

pip install build
python -m build --wheel


  • Python >= 3.8
  • pytest >= 7.0.0


Show all available options:

pytest --help

Run tests:

pytest tests --zephyr-base=path_to_zephyr

Show test plan:

pytest tests --setup-plan

List all tests without executing:

pytest tests --collect-only

Generate test plan in CSV format:

pytest tests --testplan-csv=testplan.csv --collect-only

Generate test results in JSON format:

pytest tests --resutls-json=results.json

Generate tests for specific platforms:

pytest tests --platform=qemu_x86 --platform=nrf51dk_nrf51422

Generate JUnit report with results:

pytest tests --junitxml=results.xml

Filtering tests

Run tests with given tags (@ is optional and can be omitted):

$ pytest tests --tags=@tag1,@tag2

Examples of usage:

  • not tag1
    • --tags=~@tag1
  • tag1 and tag2:
    • --tags=@tag1 --tags=@tag2
  • tag1 or tag2
    • --tags=@tag1,@tag2
  • (tag1 or tag2) and tag3 and not tag4
    • --tags=@tag1,@tag2 --tags=@tag3 --tags=~@tag4

Available options

Twister reports:
  --testplan-csv=PATH   generate test plan in CSV format
  --testplan-json=PATH  generate test plan in JSON format
  --results-json=PATH   generate test results report in JSON format

  --build-only          build only
  --platform=PLATFORM   build tests for specific platforms
  --board-root=PATH     directory to search for board configuration files
  --zephyr-base=path    base directory for Zephyr
  --tags=TAGS           filter test by tags, e.g.: --tags=@tag1,~@tag2 --tags=@tag3


Prototyping Twister v2


Language:Python 100.0%