hakandundar34coding / system-monitoring-center

Multi-featured system monitor

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Process list empty in the flatpak edition on NixOS

iopq opened this issue · comments



I get this error when I click the process list, no processes show up

Can you share output (smc_fp_command_output.txt file) of the following command?

You can write it to a file by changing it:
ps -eo comm:96,pid,user:80,s,rss,vsz,sz,nice,thcount,ppid,uid,gid,group:800,command=CMDLINE > smc_fp_command_output.txt


it says

ps: bad -o argument 'comm:96', supported arguments: user,group,comm,args,pid,ppid,pgid,etime,nice,rgroup,ruser,time,tty,vsz,sid,stat,rss

What is the version number of coreutils package?


coreutils (GNU coreutils) 9.1

I tested the application on virtual machine. There was no error on Processes tab. But there was an error on System tab. There will be improvements.

System: NixOS 22.11 on virtual machine.

Can you write OS version and desktop envrionment?

Can you try the following command?
ps -eo comm,pid,user,s,rss,vsz,sz,nice,thcount,ppid,uid,gid,group,command=CMDLINE > smc_fp_command_output.txt


I'm on NixOS unstable github revision "44f30edf5661d86fb3a95841c35127f3d0ea8b0f", Gnome

I ran this and I got

[iopq@laptop:~]$ ps -eo comm,pid,user,s,rss,vsz,sz,nice,thcount,ppid,uid,gid,group,command=CMDLINE > smc_fp_command_output.txt
ps: bad -o argument 's', supported arguments: user,group,comm,args,pid,ppid,pgid,etime,nice,rgroup,ruser,time,tty,vsz,sid,stat,rss

Why there are problems when using ps command parameters? SMC uses this command for getting process information.

Are there errors when other tabs are opened?


Yes, Users, Services, System all throw a ton of errors

System Monitoring Center uses ps command for Processes and Users tabs. ps command does not work on your system if some parameters are used. ps command is part of coreutils package. There may be a bug of the system/package or some configurations may cause this problem. I do not know details about your system.

There was no error on Processes and Users tabs during the test on stable version of the OS on virtual machine.

I will close this issue. There may be improvements for Services and System tabs.


ps command is actually running BusyBox, so when you have BusyBox installed, it won't call the ps you think it's calling

Is there a way (environment variable or other) to run ps command without using BusyBox?


I guess, but why not just use psutil Python package instead of the ps program in the first place? Then there's no compatibility worry

It does not work for SMC in Flatpak environment. Additionally, it is slower.

Is it your modification? Is BusyBox installed on your OS by default?


I installed BusyBox because i wanted to use BusyBox programs, I uninstalled it now to make the system monitor work

you can parse /proc directly because that's what all these programs do anyway