haiwen / seafdav

Seafile webdav server

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

MOVE returns 502 Bad Gateway

ozon2 opened this issue · comments

I'm using FolderSync on my phone to sync a folder with seafile, but when it tires to upload files I get an error:

502 Bad Gateway: Source and destination must have the same scheme. If you are running behind a reverse proxy, you may have to rewrite the 'Destination' header.

I'm using Traefik as a reverse proxy and I don't know how to rewrite this header.

This issue is the same as mar10/wsgidav#183 and haiwen/seafile#2336.

wsgidav fixed this issue with https://github.com/mar10/wsgidav/pull/187/files, I suggest applying the same changes here.

i have same issue with seafile docker

Running an instance on Kubernetes and having the same issue. No Sync possible

502 Bad Gateway : Source and Destination must have the same scheme.

I Run a basic config with a default Ingress on a default K8S cluster. IMO you should decouple your services into their own containers and remove the sideloaded nginx. 1 container = 1 service is a much more sound architecture and nginx configuration is outside of the scope of Seafile anyway. This should work much better for docker configurations

I am having the same issue on Apache/Php8.1.

I can delete a file, but not move it/rename it/overwrite it.

Details here: https://forum.seafile.com/t/502-bad-gateway-error-on-webdav-when-syncing-or-renaming-files/17671