haiwen / seafdav

Seafile webdav server

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Seafdav issue with "Joplin" Android client…

ludwigvon100 opened this issue · comments


As described in this post, I am unable to connect my seafdav account on my android client.
At first sight, I was thinking about a problem in the android app, but it works fine with other webdav servers, so…
Then I installed a wgsiDAV instance on my server, and I succeeded in login on it.
So, now, I really think about a problem in "Seafdav" rather than the android client…
Which is strange because seadav seems to be a fork of wsgiDAV?!…

Any idea about this strange behaviour?

I have the same issue on Android. I tried with different applications
In the same time, I can connect via Finder from Mac

Hire are some entries from access log:
... [18/Jul/2018:07:09:28 +0000] "PUT /seafdav/.DS_Store HTTP/1.1" 403 423 "-" "WebDAVFS/3.0.0 (03008000) Darwin/17.6.0 (x86_64)"
... [18/Jul/2018:08:04:39 +0000] "MKCOL /seafdav/.sync/ HTTP/1.1" 403 334 "-" "okhttp/3.6.0"
... [18/Jul/2018:08:04:44 +0000] "MKCOL /seafdav/.sync/ HTTP/1.1" 403 333 "-" "okhttp/3.6.0"

This is a screenshot of Joplin's error:

screenshot_2018-07-18-12-47-44-646_net cozic joplin

My seafdav is deployed under Nginx with the default configuration from manual on raspberry pi


You can try to set a referer header using nginx.

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