haiwen / seafdav

Seafile webdav server

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seafdav.pid file prevents seafdav start

superboum opened this issue · comments

If the file <seafile root>/pids/seafdav.pid is not removed, for example after a server crash, seafdav is not automatically restarted when you (re)start the seafile service.

In my case, there was only a PID without a new line in the file. When I ran ps aux|grep PID, there was no process with this PID on the system. I double checked with netstat -tlpn|grep PORT that no process was listening.

Once you spotted the problem, the fix is really simple as you just need to remove this file and restart seafile.

I'm running Seafile 6.2.2 downloaded from seafile.com on Debian Testing (amd64)

Sorry by advance if it's not the right place to report this issue or if this issue has been already reported.

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