haiwen / seadroid

Android client for Seafile

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[BASIC feature request] The app DOES NOT keep in sync files that are modified on the server!

unalignedcoder opened this issue · comments

I was hoping this was a malfunction on my end, but it really seems the way this app is designed.

The app will automatically upload a file modified on the device, but will not automatically download a file modified on the server, even if the user has directly downloaded, modified and edited that file before.

The user has to:

  1. check on the app if any orange checkmarks have disappeared from the file list
  2. tap>download each file they want to keep in sync

And this, each time a file is modified on the server.

Even if you argued that Seafile is not meant for collaboration, there are changes the individual user can make, for example from the PC at work, that may be forgotten by the time they look at the file again at home.

You cannot have a system that relies on users REMEMBERING they have modified a file earlier on another device, and therefore need to download it before making any further changes.

Wow, this is a bit of a limitation. Is there not a simple flag that can be set? If the app can put orange checkmarks on files then it knows about the changes so it should not be difficult to automatically sync things.

I actually created a macro in Macrodroid, to keep at least one important file in sync.

The macro checks for remote timestamp via API, compares it with local, and if needed, downloads via API the file from the server. It overwrites the file in the Seafile folder on device. Works smoothly.

How in the world the Seadroid app cannot do this simple thing?

This isn't secondary. The entire principle of syncing files on the cloud is predicated on the fact that we have files we'd like to keep updated across devices.

There are limitations not only in Downloading.

If you save a new file into a library from outside the sync app, the app will not automatically upload it to the server.

You have to add the file to the library manually, even though it's already in the folder you are supposedly keeping in sync.

(What is the point to match libraries to specific folders then?)

The only thing Seadroid will ever do, is to upload a file which already exists in a Library, and which you modify on your Adnroid device.

And sure, there is the photo upload thing. I bet very few use it, seeing that most folks who self-host their own cloud services do not have the terabytes required to backup all of their media, but would rather keep in sync their important files and documents.